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TropiClean Fresh Breath Side Effects (What You Should Know)

If you spend any time in close proximity to your dog (which we all tend to do), you have no doubt noticed that his or her breath is far from what any sane person would describe as “minty fresh.”

In fact, with some dogs, a session of loving kisses can leave you feeling absolutely sick to your stomach.

If you have experienced this pungent scenario with your pet, it may be time to turn to one of the many fresh breath solutions offered by TropiClean Fresh Breath—a company that specializes in a wide range of pet care products.

In this article, we will briefly explain why some dogs possess such awful breath, and introduce you to some of the solutions offered by the TropiClean company.

We will also outline any unwanted side effects these products can potentially cause.

Is TropiClean Fresh Breath Safe For My Dog?

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Yes, this product is sold online and in pet stores and generally considered to be safe for your dog.

You can ask your vet what she thinks about you using this product with your dog, to get a second opinion.

The local vet we consulted with did agree that TropiClean Fresh Breath is safe to use on dogs when you follow the recommended usage instructions on the product.

What Are The Side Effects Of Using TropiClean Fresh Breath?

When used as directed on the bottle, the only known side effects associated with the TropiClean Fresh Breath products are positive:  pleasant-smelling breath and good dental hygiene for your dog.

As with any products, however, there can be some unwanted side effects when they are used incorrectly.

For example, adding more than the recommended amount of TropiClean Fresh Breath Drops to your dog’s water can potentially cause stomach upset and even vomiting.

Additionally, using too much of the product can also produce a noticeable odor in the water bowl, which in turn can make your dog a bit reluctant to drink.

This can ultimately result in dehydration, leading to kidney problems and other ailments.

dog smiling

About TropiClean Fresh Breath

The TropiClean company offers a number of products designed to promote fresh breath in dogs (and cats), with the most notable being their Fresh Breath Drops.

The TropiClean Fresh Breath Drops are designed as a quick-and-easy way to eliminate bad breath in dogs.

Just add two to three drops of the solution to your dog’s water bowl every time you refill it, and the active ingredients work to keep your pet’s breath fresh and minty for up to 12 hours.

The ease and convenience of using this product has allured many pet owners, making the TropiClean Fresh Breath Drops one of the most popular doggie dental hygiene products on the market today.

The TropiClean company is becoming renowned in pet circles for its full range of dental hygiene products.

Some of these include:

  • Fresh breath drops
  • Dental wipes
  • Teeth gel
  • Dental hygiene sticks, treats and toys
  • Fresh breath sprays and foams
  • And more…

While all of the TropiClean products are designed to promote healthy teeth, gums and fresh breath, experts say they should not be used instead of regular brushing and dental care, but rather in conjunction with these efforts.

Why Does My Dog Have Bad Breath?

owner holding nose stinky dog smell

Bad breath in dogs can have many causes—some more serious than others.

According to experts, the most prominent causes of bad breath in dogs are poor dental hygiene (plaque buildup), tooth decay and gum disease.

Fortunately, all of these conditions can either be mitigated or completely avoided via a regular schedule of dental brushing and maintenance, as well as periodic checkups with your vet.

There are, of course, other potential causes of doggie halitosis, including the eating habits of your dog.

Pets permitted to freely root through the garbage may come out of the experience a bit worse-for-the-wear in terms of their breath, and some of the table scraps we offer up can also produce undesirable results.

In addition to the above causes, there are several more worrying reasons why your dog’s breath may be a little funky.

These include diabetes (a sweet, sickening smell), kidney disease, and oral tumors, just to name a few.

These hypothetical causes only reinforce the need for regular checkups with your trusted veterinarian.

dog getting teeth brushed

Final Word

As you can see, TropiClean Fresh Breath is a safe product for you to use and give your dog, as long as you follow the directions.

Even vets agree that it’s safe product for dogs.

It’s a great way to get rid of that gross puppy breath that we’re all familiar with.

Plus, TropiClean Fresh Breath helps to keep your dogs teeth clean by fighting plaque buildup.

You can even just put a few drops of TropiClean Fresh Breath in your pups water instead of applying it to his teeth directly.

Just remember – you only need three drops, so don’t over do it!

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9 thoughts on “TropiClean Fresh Breath Side Effects (What You Should Know)”

  1. I did not read directions, on bottle, too small to read. I put 2 sprays directly in mouth. Only used it twice. Dog developed a large swelling in neck, the next day. Could this be a side effect? Going to vet in AM.

  2. It does say to add to water and not to overdose, maybe putting it directly in the dogs mouth wasn’t a wise move.
    You really should read the instructions

  3. I started giving my Yorkies this fresh breath 3 days ago and the littlest one is now sick and Seizing. She is only like 2 1/2 pounds, four years old never had any sickness. Yesterday she stop eating and drinking water so I started giving her water with a Syringe, by 10:30 pm I was calling the Veterinary hospital, I ran her in so they could take a look at her ( not good) blood pressure way high had a couple more seizure…. This is the only thing different …..Tropiclean fresh breath. Heart broken

  4. I just used the gel, instructions read two drops on both sides of mouth. I look down and realize shes in this bizarre wobbly body stance. W.T.F!?!

  5. My dog has an array of problems but after I put this solution in his mouth the next day he was so sick, his mouth looks like something out of a horror movie. His breath stinks, and the worst is he can’t breath. So I just figures it was allergies, but I’m back at the emergency.

  6. Has anyone noticed their dog having bladder problems after using this product? My dog is now having frequent peeing accidents in the house and my dog has a dog door.

  7. My oldest dog who is 14 after I started this in the water one capful has been having accidents suddenly with pooping ! And outside now is pooping a lot ! Too much to just suddenly happen . This is right after starting this fresh breath!! I will have to deal with the bad breath , so not fair to this older dog his blood work is good it is this product.

  8. I have brushed two dogs teeth with the clean teeth gel now for over 8 years and the only side effect if fresh breath and excellent dental health. It has saved me a ton of money because my latest dog is 6 now and the vet says he has never needed his teeth cleaned. My previous dog passed away at the age of 17.


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