The breeding of Razor Edge Pitbulls is specifically for companionship.
Although years ago, people wanted them as racing and fighter dogs.
Their demeanor is better than that of a typical Pitbull or Bully because breeders frequently blend their bloodline with an American Bully or Mastiff.
Dog lovers adore them for their sweet nature and social skills.
They’re fit, thick, and strong, having the characteristics that Razor Pitbulls should have.
Pitbulls can be challenging to distinguish from one another and categorize according to bloodlines, especially when they all look the same.
Because this breed is still in its infancy, it is going through many modifications, and many people find it difficult to distinguish them from regular mixed breed Pitbulls.
Here’s what our research led to:

Crossing the Pit bull with various additional breeds produced the Razor Edge Pitbull.
These dogs are a cross between two different breeds, yet they are far enough along in their development that the inherent variability is minimal.
That’s why you’ll find a lot of similarities between these canines.
The resemblance to Pitbulls is striking.
Yet, their physical appearance is distinct. In keeping with their ancestry, American Pit Bull Terriers are larger than average.
They are a hybrid breed created by breeding English Bulldogs and Mastiffs together.
They tend to stand stooped, and their build may be a little more substantial than that of a conventional Pitbull.
This breed of Pitbull is unique in that it has been selectively bred to generate primarily blue and blue brindle coat hues.
For this reason, these dogs are sometimes referred to as Blue Razor Edge Pitbulls.
Unlike other Pitbull lines, they aren’t typically available in a rainbow of hues.
Yet, there are breeders who focus on less common colors like black-and-white or blue fawn.
The inclusion of English Bulldogs in the bloodline back in the day led to the development of
Pitbulls with larger than average heads and chests.
They also tend to have shorter backs and more compact legs than a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier.
There are several different varieties of these canines.
The average height of a regular variety is between 16 and 20 inches, with males typically being taller.
The XL variety is the largest, with dogs reaching a height of 19–22 inches.
Classical variants are lighter overall and more faithful to the original Pitbull form.
They lack the eccentricities of several other dog breeds.
This version with the American Pit Bull Terrier blodline displays more characteristics typical of that breed.
Breeders may also offer other variations, such the XXL, for sale.
There are no kennel clubs that recognize this breed at this time.
Most breeders just don’t give a hoot that the AKC doesn’t recognize them, and they continue to produce the breed anyhow.
- These dogs resemble Pitbulls in appearance.
- They do, however, have a different body type.
- Because they are giant Pitbulls, they are a little bigger than typical Pitbulls.
- They are a mix of English Bulldogs and Mastiffs, and they have a stoat-like stance and will be a little bulkier than a conventional Pitbull.
- The Blue Razor breeding is selective to create predominantly blue or blue brindle coat colors, earning Blue Razor Edge Pitbulls.
- Other hues, such as black and white or blue fawn, are specialized by some breeders.
- Because of the English Bulldogs in their DNA, Pitbulls have larger heads and chests.
- Furthermore, their legs are frequently compact, and their backs are shorter than a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier.
- These dogs are available in various sizes, ranging from classical, similar to the original pitbull, to XL and XXL, ranging in height from 16 to 22 inches.
History Of The Razor Edge Pitbull
Their origins are a little muddled and o nce upon a time, the Razor Edge Pitbull was just a regular old Pitbull.
But somewhere along the way the breed line was crossed with numerous additional species.
The Razor Edge Pitbull is widely thought to be the product of crossing at least five different breeds.
Nonetheless, it remains unclear which breeds were utilized.
With the UKC breed standard minimum, we can infer that the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Mastiff, and English Bulldog were all used.
Inheriting traits from both parent breeds, this dog now has a more bully-like appearance than its ancestors.
They typically have a stocky build with a lot of muscle.
The temperament is also tweaked to perfection.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is known for its amiability and gentle demeanor around kids.
While the pit bull is known for its aggressive nature, other bully breeds, like the Mastiff, tend to be more reserved.
The careful mixing of various breeds in this way produced a sociable and people-oriented bully breed.
While work on this breed’s look and temperament began in the 1980s, it wasn’t until the 1990s that it reached its final form.
Some progress has been made in the improvement of this breed since then.
This breed eventually evolved to have its own distinctness that it is typically classified as a separate breed.
American Bully Kennel Club was the first kennel club to officially recognize the breed when it was established back in 2004.
At first, this served as a way to record a dog’s lineage and “prove” that it was indeed a Razor Edge Pitbull.
In other words, this dog is not a mutt but rather comes from a line of purebred Razor Edge Pitbulls.
The club also established a written standard for the canine, which is available on the American Board of Kennel Clubs’ website.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed with various variations, some of which are very similar to this one.
Yet, unlike other bully-type breeds, these dogs were developed to have less of a prey drive and more aggressive tendencies.
Therefore, they have their own distinctive characteristics, even if they share some commonalities with other breeds.
Considering its relative youth, this breed is still evolving rapidly.
- This breed’s history is a little perplexing. The Razor Edge Pitbull was once just another Pitbull.
- The line, however, was crossed with a variety of different breeds.
- The Razor Edge Pitbull is thought to have been created by crossing at least five species.
- According to the United Kennel Club breed standard, the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Bulldog, Mastiff, and English Bulldog were most likely utilized.
- The cross of these breeds resulted in a dog that looked more bully-like.
- They are often stocky and muscular. The disposition is also tweaked.
- The American Pit Bull Terrier is a friendly dog that gets along well with youngsters.
- However, some other bully breeds utilized, such as the Mastiff, are a little more reserved.
- By carefully combining different breeds in this way, a bulldog breed that is friendly and people-oriented has resulted.
- The development of this breed began in the 1980s, but they did not fully achieve the desired appearance and temperament until the 1990s.
- This breed has progressed since then.
- This breed eventually evolved so distinctly to a classification as a separate breed.
Temperament and Personality Of The Razor Edge Pit Bull
A lot of American Pit Bull Terrier genes mean these canines share a similar demeanor.
You can count on them to go out of their way to make you feel welcome.
Yet, contrary to popular belief, they are not effective as guard dogs.
Not only are they excessively nice, but they also rarely resort to aggression.
If an intruder comes near, they will probably lick them instead of bite.
Yet, they make excellent watchdogs.
They tend to be vocal and highly vigilant. In fact, many dogs will bark at everyone who passes by.
Aggression is not the root cause of this.
Basically, they can’t wait to make a new friend. In this respect, they resemble other types of terriers.
They are ideal with kids because of their size and calm demeanor.
They don’t usually get freaked out by toddlers and other youngsters, and they can handle a lot of attention from a hyper child.
They are less likely to bite out of fear because of their size and durability, and children are less likely to injure them.
In general, the Razor Edge Pitbull is a cheerful and energetic dog.
They are perpetually pleased and enthusiastic.
Many of the breeds utilized to create the Razor Edge Pitbull were originally developed for working purposes, but they are now primarily used as household pets.
Hence, this canine thrives when given a task to complete.
They usually take direction well and are easy to train.
Sadly, these dogs are easily startled and may rush out into traffic or far away from home and become disoriented by even the tiniest of stimulating stimuli.
Given this, they require a secure enclosure to be kept in.
A smooth, high fence is typically necessary because they can be adept at climbing them.
Note that they are rather vulnerable to the cold and should be brought inside when the weather outside is cold.
Also note that violence has been genetically bred out of the breed for quite some time now.
- Because these canines share a lot of American Pit Bull Terrier DNA, they have a personality comparable to that of the American Pit Bull Terrier.
- They are incredibly personable and friendly.
- They do not, however, make good security dogs, despite certain beliefs.
- They can, however, be useful as alert dogs.
- They have a high level of alertness and can be rather boisterous.
- Many people will bark at everyone who passes by. Aggression isn’t the source of this.
- They’re merely looking forward to meeting new people.
- In this regard, they are comparable to other terriers.
- They’re fantastic with kids because of their larger size and patient disposition.
- They are not in the least bit streetwise.
- Even the tiniest, most exciting thing can cause the Razor Edge Pitbull to rush into oncoming traffic or run for miles till they lose track of time.
- Keep them contained and leashed.
Training And Exercise Requirements For Razor Edge Pitbulls
Training a Razor Edge Pitbull is typically simple as t hey do not have a reputation for being obstinate.
As they have a moderate level of intelligence, they can learn new orders with relative ease, which means these dogs are typically easy for to train.
The term “selective hearing” accurately describes their behavior in some instances.
They have a reputation for becoming too excited and refusing to listen.
This holds especially true when there are both unfamiliar humans and other canines present.
Because of this, they must always be kept on a leash and accompanied by an adult.
It’s not out of the ordinary for them to wander off in quest of companionship.
These canines are reasonably bright, but their welcoming demeanor sometimes backfires.
Don’t put your dog in a place where they can’t hear you or obey your commands.
The destructive tendencies of Pit bulls are a source of frustration for many dog owners.
Jutting jaws and a penchant for chewing characterize these canines.
In order to keep your Razor Edge Pitbull happy and healthy, you should provide it with plenty of chew toys and bones.
You should confine him to a puppy-proof room or a kennel designed for Pitbulls whenever he is alone.
These dogs have impressive athletic abilities as well as a minimal need for exercise. They also exhibit surprising bursts of speed and power, but they tend to wear themselves out pretty quickly.
This breed just needs two modest daily walks.
It’s a good idea to keep them mentally active because they do have a tendency to act out in inappropriate ways if they aren’t tired enough.
These dogs may bark excessively and dig excessively as they try to amuse themselves.
As a result, regular training sessions are essential if you want your dog to remain well-behaved and exhausted.
- Because the Razor Edge Pitbull is moderately intelligent, they may quickly learn new orders.
- In general, experienced dog owners will find it simple to adjust these pets.
- We recommend taking these pups to obedience training if you are new to dog ownership.
- These seminars will teach you how to train them, reducing irritation on both sides effectively.
- When new people and dogs are around, they are known for being too eager and disobeying commands.
- For this reason, their leash should stay on when away from home.
- It wouldn’t be surprising if they went off in search of new acquaintances.
- You should be aware of your dog’s limits, particularly when they get hyperactive.
- Even though these canines are pretty bright, keeping them out of compromising situations is ideal.
- Many owners are frustrated by a Pitbull’s destructive behavior.
- As a result, they should only be left alone for a few hours at a time.
- They tire easily, and after 15 to 20 minutes, many of them quit playing.
- These dogs need two short to moderate walks per day.
- If you prefer, you can alternate these walking periods with playtime in a fenced-in backyard.
- To keep your dog well-behaved and tired, we propose training sessions.
- Simple games and puzzle toys are also excellent ways to keep this dog’s mind active.
Health-wise, this dog breed seems to be doing okay. Certain genetic diseases are less common as a result of the blending of numerous gene pools. On the other hand, as their breed has been pedigreed for a time, certain diseases and disorders have had a chance to become more prevalent. Any time the same group of dogs is repeatedly exposed to new combinations, problems like this are inevitable.
As a result, there will be fewer healthy dogs to choose from, and more dogs with the same faulty genes will be able to breed with one another.
In spite of the fact that they tend to live longer than other breeds, this breed is vulnerable to a few specific diseases. Not all of these diseases and disorders may be avoided by getting regular checkups, but many of them can. That’s why it’s crucial to learn about the diseases and disorders that can harm a Razor Edge Pitbull puppy before you bring it home.
Hip Dysplasia
Canine hip dysplasia is a prevalent health issue. There are a wide variety of breeds that are vulnerable to it. The Razor Edge Pitbull is similar in size to these other breeds.
When the hip joint does not form properly during development, it is called hip dysplasia. The ball and socket did not develop at the same time for unknown reasons. As a result, the hip joint no longer fits together properly, leading to premature wear.
A hereditary component has been established for this disorder. And the external environment may also have a part. Overfeeding a puppy might cause it to develop at an abnormal rate, which can affect how their hips shape up. Thus, it is crucial to follow the recommended puppy feeding standards.
A lot of the time, the symptoms are identical to those of arthritis. Dogs with hip dysplasia can appear weak and hesitant when they stand. There will be times when they are weak and even limp. It’s not always easy to tell if a dog is in discomfort.
In most cases, treatment will be identical to that used for arthritis. There are situations when surgical intervention is necessary to fix the hip. The average cost of this operation is around $4,000 per hip.
Elbow Dysplasia
Similar to hip dysplasia, but affecting the dog’s elbow, is elbow dysplasia. Although this condition does not appear to be as frequent as hip dysplasia, it can be just as debilitating. There are three separate bones that come together to form an elbow. There will be complications if even one of these bones doesn’t fit correctly. Heredity and aberrant development might both play a role in bringing on this ailment.
Although environmental and dietary variables contribute to the development of this disease, it is primarily hereditary. That’s why it’s so important to keep puppies from getting too much of both exercise and food.
Symptoms often include growing pain and lameness in one of the front legs. The disease is progressive, therefore it will only become worse without treatment. The condition can affect both legs simultaneously, in which case both legs will need treatment.
Treatment for this illness typically involves surgical intervention. On the other hand, in moderate cases, medicine and joint supplements may be sufficient.
Brachycephalic Respiratory Syndrome
Dogs with shorter muzzles are more likely to develop brachycephalic respiratory syndrome. Despite their “adorable” appearance, the shorter muzzle of these canines frequently causes difficulties breathing because their airways are too narrow.
Dogs suffering from this illness often make a lot of noise while breathing and snorting. Exercise intolerance will develop in affected pets because they can’t take deep breaths as you need to when active.
Pretty much anything that interferes with their respiration will effect them more acutely. High temperatures and humidity levels, along with emotional and physical excitation, fall under this category.
Even while it may be possible to avoid these consequences with close monitoring alone, surgical intervention may be necessary in some cases. Typically, a portion of the dog’s soft palate is surgically removed to enlarge the canine’s airway.
Eye Problems
These canines suffer from a wide range of ocular diseases and disorders. Furthermore, cherry eye, ectropion, and entropion can occur. These disorders are common in dogs with shortened muzzles, which can also lead to a noticeable bulging of the eyes. The risk of suffering a corneal abrasion or other eye injury is increased in such a situation.
Cherry eye is a common condition in dogs in which the third eyelid protrudes out from under the eye. Repairing it often just requires a minor surgical procedure. This is primarily a cosmetic issue. Unfortunately, this is a genetic disorder, therefore it typically affects both eyes simultaneously.
When the eyelids turn inward, it’s called entropion. The most major problem is that the hair on the outer surface of the eyelids may irritate the eyes, causing discomfort and possibly permanent damage. Inheritance plays a major role in this disorder, although trauma and prolonged squinting also play a role.
Cone-Rod Dystrophy 1
The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that is known to be affected by this disease. It’s inherited in its entirety, and it causes retinal degeneration at a young age, leading to blindness quite soon. Symptoms of canine blindness typically appear before the dog’s first birthday. Blindness in dogs, however, isn’t always obvious because many apparently healthy dogs don’t show any symptoms until they’re moved to a new setting.
Due to the recessive nature of this illness, it can only be passed on to offspring if both parents have it. Because carriers show no symptoms, it is possible to breed them without thorough screening. A significant number of afflicted puppies will be born to two healthy dogs who are carriers.
There is little excuse for breeders to not test their dogs before mating now that tests cost as little as $50.
- This breed appears to be in good health.
- However, because many illnesses may not manifest symptoms until later in a dog’s life, health testing is vital for identifying and preventing health concerns.
- As a result, the only way to know which genetic disorders a dog may have is to test for them before breeding.
- Because not all breeders do this, some dogs can pass down genetic issues to the puppies.
- Razor Edge Pitbull breeders should generally screen their dogs for at least these conditions before breeding:
- Hip Dysplasia
- Elbow Dysplasia
- Ichthyosis
- Cone-Rod Dystrophy
Grooming Needs For For Razor Edge Pit Bulls
Due to their short, smooth coat, these dogs rarely need much in terms of grooming.
The majority of their dead hair can be easily removed with just a weekly brushing with a slicker brush.
Brushing will also assist keep the coat clean for a longer period of time by removing any dirt and debris that has settled into the hair.
Several dog brushes are made specifically to distribute the dog’s essential oils.
Dogs’ skin and coats benefit greatly from these.
Several natural oils include anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties that will keep your dog clean.
If you want your dog to enjoy its brushing sessions, you should begin when it is young.
Even if you brush a puppy more than necessary, you’ll avoid a lot of trouble in the long run.
You should brush your dog’s teeth just like you would your own.
While canine teeth are not especially vulnerable to periodontal disease, issues might arise if they are not regularly brushed and cleaned.
Keep a watch on their ears, too. If a dog’s ears become clogged with dirt and debris, it might develop painful and contagious ear infections.
Although though the Razor Edge Pitbull isn’t particularly vulnerable to ear infections, you should nonetheless wipe any buildup of dirt out of their ears with a damp cotton ball.
- Due to their silky and short coat, these dogs do not require much care.
- They usually need weekly brushing to eliminate dirt and debris that has accumulated in the coat.
- Brushing a dog’s natural oils around the coat and skin keeps it healthy, so they don’t need to be bathed as often.
- Many natural oils are also dirt-repellent, which means they will keep your dog clean in the future.
- Apart from that, the majority of Razor Edge Pitbulls won’t require much grooming.
- To get the dog accustomed to brushing sessions, it’s best to start when they’re puppies.
- Brushing their teeth at least two or three times a week is recommended.
- Keep their ears clean with a moist cotton ball as often as possible.
Cost And Adopting A Razor Edge Pit Bull From A Breeder
Breeders are typically the only source for dogs of this type.
They’re a relatively recent breed that was developed by a variety of different kennels.
So, all subsequent canine descendants may trace their ancestry back to just those few kennels.
Animal shelters and rescue groups rarely see this breed showing up.
Simply put, there is a shortage of them.
As a result of being hard to find, these canines can cost anywhere from $7,000 to $35,000 due to their scarcity and the work required to produce them.
- Breeders are usually the only area where you may find these dogs, and these canines can cost anywhere from a few thousand to double figures, depending on the breeder.
- As a result, you should expect to spend a high price on these puppies, especially if you want a specific gender or color.
- The cost for a Razor Edge Pitbull puppy ranges from $7,000 to $35,000 from a breeder.
Final Word
The Razor Edge Pitbull is a relatively new breed with a distinct pedigree.
Overall, this breed is quite friendly and makes a beautiful pet.
Their aggression has been reduced to a minimum, and they are safe for most children.
Once adequately trained, you can take them outside often, and they can be an excellent breed for a first-time owner or dog pro.