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Can You Give A Dog Pedialyte?

Just like people, dogs can become dehydrated when sick.

When this happens, your dog can be in a dangerous situation if the problem isn’t remedied soon enough.

Thankfully, there are some ways to help hydrate your dog and get them feeling better.

Dogs and Pedialyte

Pedialyte is often given to young children when they are sick, but some may wonder if they can give it to their dogs when they need additional fluids.

The simple answer is yes, Pedialyte is considered safe for dogs.

However, there are considerations that need to be kept in mind before adding any to your dog’s water bowl.

Problems with Pedialyte

While minor illnesses can impact dogs, attempting to fix the problem at home via remedies like Pedialyte can end up delaying professional care and making the problem worse.

In some dogs, Pedialyte can actually make vomiting worse, leading to more severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

If your dog is vomiting, it’s always best to call your vet before attempting any at-home care.

If your dog is having trouble keeping food and water down, your vet may advise you to start administering a bland diet, such as boiled chicken and rice.

Some may even recommend withholding food for eight to 12 hours to help ease the stomach pain.

If vomiting persists to where your dog cannot keep any water down at all, you should immediately take them to the vet for professional care.

Another potential problem with Pedialyte is that it’s formulated to help replenish electrolytes in humans and not dogs.

Because of this, the sodium contents in the drink can often be more than what is healthy for a dog to consume.

Pedialyte can also be detrimental to diabetic dogs due to the sugar content.

If your dog is diabetic, dehydrated, or has a problem like heart or kidney disease which can make them sensitive to sodium and sugar, you should never administer Pedialyte at home.

Usages of Pedialyte

In the past, Pedialyte has been used in small amounts to help puppies struggling with parvovirus.

In cases like this, Pedialyte would be used along with additional fluids, antibiotics, and anti-nausea medications as prescribed by a veterinarian.

While it can serve a purpose, as demonstrated above, it should never be used without first contacting your vet and getting the okay from them.

How Much Pedialyte Should a Dog Have?

If your vet does advise you to give your dog a small amount of Pedialyte, the dosage is usually weight-based, typically 10 to 15ml per pound.

You should monitor them constantly to see if their condition is improving or worsening, and if within a few hours they still seem dehydrated, you should seek immediate care.

Signs of Dehydration

In order to determine your dog’s condition, you should look for a few symptoms of canine dehydration.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Panting
  • Dry nose
  • Thick saliva
  • Dry gums
  • Loss of Elasticity in Skin
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting

Dehydration, even mild, can quickly become a medical emergency, and it’s important to treat your dog as soon as possible.

Contact your vet as soon as you begin noticing symptoms and don’t put off starting treatment.

If your vet does recommend a small amount of Pedialyte, make sure to follow dosage guidelines closely, and always take your pet in for treatment if their condition doesn’t improve or worsens.

Watch Your Pets Closely

Summer can increase the risk of canine dehydration and because of this, it’s important to know what to do if your dog begins to show signs of dehydration.

While Pedialyte can be helpful, you should always ask your vet before giving any to your dog, and never give them more than prescribed.

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National Canine Research Association of America