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Why Won’t My Dog Sleep With Me Anymore?

Is your dog suddenly giving you the cold shoulder at night, refusing to sleep with you in your bed?

Do you miss his furry little presence as you slumber, and wish he’d return to his rightful place on your mattress?

If so, you are certainly not alone, as many dog owners have this same dilemma.

Dogs that refuse to jump up on the bed at night might do so for a number of reasons, and it does not mean that your dog has fallen out of love with you.

To help clarify this question, below we have outlined and explained several reasons why your dog may have suddenly decided to ditch your bed for other sleeping arrangements.

And for each cause, we will also share a number of strategies for changing your dog’s mind (if any), and share some rationale on why sleeping in your bed may not necessarily be a good thing.

Why Your Dog Won’t Sleep with You Anymore:  Some Reasons

If your dog has opted not to sleep with you, it is only natural to blame yourself.

You may be wondering what you did (or did not do) to bring this situation about.


When your dog suddenly elects to change his sleeping habits, odds are there is a pretty good reason—one that might have nothing to do with you.

And according to experts, not having your dog in the bed might actually be better for both dog and owner.

Nonetheless, here are just some of the reasons why your dog may have chosen to ditch your bed.

Your Dog Is “Over It”

Just like people, dogs can change their preferences with regard to a number of things, including where they choose to sleep.

This usually happens gradually over a number of months, but in some cases, it can seem like the decision to slop sleeping in your bed comes suddenly and without warning.

This can be a shock to some pet owners—especially those who miss the furry presence of their pet as they sleep—while for some, this decision can be cause for celebration—celebrating the added space to toss and turn on the mattress.

When dogs make the decision to change their sleeping locale, it does not mean they have ceased loving you, it can simply mean they are trying out new options—and they may even return to your bed if and when they deem it’s the more luxurious option.

Not Enough Room to Sleep Comfortably

Some dogs may simply outgrow your bed.

This is especially true of large breed dogs.

Sure, when they were young pups they fit comfortably and easily on your mattress, but as they grow, the dedicated space on which they are expected to slumber gets smaller and smaller.

Like people, dogs can grow tired of having their sleep interrupted by the constant tossing and turning of their owners.

As a result, they may ditch your bed for a locale offering both coziness and the prospect of some nonstop Zzs.

When the lack of adequate sleeping space is the determinant factor in your dog’s decision, sometimes the purchase of a larger mattress might just be the impetus that causes your dog to rejoin you in bed.

Your Dog Is Feeling More Comfortable in Your Home

Dogs can be funny creatures, and in many ways, they are very similar to humans.

When dogs are young—or when they are first introduced to a new environment like your home—they may feel a bit anxious, overwhelmed and/or scared.

Just like a small child trusts his or her parents for safety, dogs view you—their owner—as their protector-in-chief, and they see you as the sole source for easing that fear and trepidation they feel.

This is why your dog tends to follow you around throughout the home, or act out—by chewing, barking, and even urinating—when you leave the home.

Given this, it only stands to reason that your dog wants to sleep near you—sometimes on the same bed.

If your dog has suddenly left the comfort of your bed for another sleeping spot, you may want to congratulate yourself as an owner.

It means that you have taken the necessary steps to make your dog feel comfortable and self-assured in the home, even in those instances when you are not “right on top” of your pet every hour of every day.

This emergent confidence and independence actually means your dog is happy and feels protected within the whole of the house—and not just in your bed.

Your Dog Has a Higher Body Temperature than You

Although you may sleep more snugly with three blankets on your bed, your dog may not.

Sometimes the warmth and ease you desire can make it too hot for your dog to sleep.

Because of a faster metabolism, the body temperature of dogs is a tick higher than that of their human owners.

As a result, your bed may not be the most optimal place for them to sleep.

During the warmer summer months especially, it is not unusual for a dog to sleep on bare tile or hardwood floors, as these surfaces are much cooler than a warm mattress.

When temperature is driving your dog from your bed—and you really want to sleep with your dog—you may have to compromise.

Giving up some of your comfort to accommodate your dog may just trigger a tail-wagging return to your bedroom.

Your Dog Is Getting Older

Last but not least, when dogs start to age, they essentially have a mind of their own.

They become more finnicky and less energetic.

Their wants and needs change.

A dog that once craved the constant loving attention of their owner, may simply want some alone-time to do as he or she pleases.

Often, their sleep schedules will begin to change, and more and more of their required sleep time will come during the day.

In cases such as these, your best bet is to simply allow your dog to make his own decisions, as trying to force him to sleep next to you is more likely to cause resentment than comfort.

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National Canine Research Association of America