So you’re curious about what a 140 deer looks like?
To properly understand this, you should be familiar with the scoring systems used to classify whitetail deer, specifically the Boone and Crockett (B&C) system.
A 140-class whitetail deer is a male deer with a score of at least 140 inches on this system, which assesses antler size, shape, and symmetry.
An essential aspect of a 140-class deer is its antler points or tines.
These bucks usually possess impressive antlers, with a larger number of points than lower-scoring deer.

While the number of points can vary, what truly sets a 140 deer apart is the total score tallied by measuring various aspects of their antlers, such as length, mass, and spread.
Now that you have a general understanding of what defines a 140-class deer, it is important to know how to identify one in the field.
Hunters often use an animal’s physical features, such as ear spread, to estimate the size of a buck’s antlers.
For instance, a 140-inch buck may have an ear spread of around 16 inches. With practice, you’ll be able to recognize these majestic animals more easily when you see them in the wild.
Identifying A 140 Class Buck

When you’re trying to spot a 140 class buck, there are certain characteristics you should look for that help determine its score.
Typically, a 140 class buck will have antlers with a total measurement between 160 and 170 inches.
This includes the length of the main beams, the number of points, and the inside spread of the antlers.
A good 10 point antler outside the ears with solid mass might indicate that a buck falls into the 140 class.
In some cases, it can even be an 8 point with sufficient mass and height.
The average live weight of a 140 class buck is around 200 lbs, making them some of the largest deer in North America.
To estimate the inside spread, use the deer’s ear measurement as a guide.
On most deer, the tip-to-tip ear spread is just over 16 inches.
A 140-inch buck will have a similar inside spread measurement.
Of course, this is just an estimation, so it’s always best to be cautious when using this method.
Significant Features of 140 Class Buck

When you come across a 140 class buck, there are several key features that make it distinctive.
The most notable attribute is the antler size.
A 140 class buck will have an antler spread measuring between 160 and 170 inches, including the four main points of each antler as well as the inside spread.
The antler points are referred to as G1, G2, G3, and G4, and in a 140 class buck, these points are quite prominent and symmetrical.
Regarding physical size, this type of deer has an impressive stature.
With an average live weight of around 200 lbs, it ranks among the largest species of deer found in North America.
These bucks also have well-developed muscles and a sturdy build to support their weight and antlers.
The fur of a 140 class buck is generally a dark brown color, indicative of a mature adult deer.
This dark coat helps the animal blend in with its natural surroundings, providing some camouflage from both predators and hunters.
As for the facial features, the ears, nose, and eye circumference are proportionate to the size of the deer’s head.
In particular, the ears of a 140 class buck will be wide and rounded at the tips, allowing them to pick up sounds from multiple directions.
The nose is relatively large, enabling them to detect scents from great distances.
And, the eyes are generally larger and surrounded by a more defined eye circumference, further highlighting the age and maturity of these deer.
The Role of Age in Deer Size and Features

As a deer ages, its size and features will change significantly. Understanding these differences can help you identify the age of the deer you encounter.
In general, older deer have larger bodies and antlers than their younger counterparts.
While a 1½-year-old whitetail buck may only have a small set of antlers and appear more slim, a 2.5-year-old buck will reach roughly 60 percent of its maximum antler size and have a more substantial body.
Deer continue to grow as they age, and by 4.5 to 5.5 years old, they sport more massive antlers and muscular, robust bodies.
Also, their necks and bellies may appear fuller, especially during the rut, when necks can expand significantly.
One of the most telling physical features of an older deer is the color of its coat.
Adult whitetail deer will have a dark brown coat, which can sometimes be mistaken for a larger or older deer.
Be aware of this difference when trying to determine the age of a deer based on its appearance.
Another crucial aspect related to age is antler shedding. As bucks grow older, they shed their antlers yearly, typically between January and April.
New antlers begin to grow immediately, reaching their full size by late summer.
This process repeats each year, with each new set growing larger than the last until the buck eventually reaches its peak antler size.
Age can also impact a deer’s behavior during the rut.
Older, more dominant bucks are more likely to engage in battles for territory and mating privileges.
They are more aggressive and tend to cover more ground in search of receptive does.
Being aware of these behavioral differences can help you effectively hunt and observe deer in their natural habitat.
Hunting 140 Class Bucks

When you’re out in the field deer hunting, encountering a 140 class buck can be an exciting experience.
These mature white-tailed deer tend to have an antler spread of at least 14 inches and usually weigh between 200 to 225 pounds.
They are considered to be large, trophy specimens which can make for an impressive addition to your wall.
As a deer hunter, it’s essential to know what to look for when hunting 140 class bucks.
The antler size plays a significant role in distinguishing them from other deer, typically measuring between 160 and 170 inches.
This measurement includes the four main points of each antler as well as the inside spread of the antlers.
When chasing these trophy bucks, keep in mind that their larger size and mature status make them more elusive and challenging to hunt.
They have likely experienced close encounters with hunters before and will be more wary of their surroundings.
Plan your approach carefully, taking into account factors such as wind direction and visibility to avoid alerting the deer to your presence.
A key aspect of successful deer hunting is understanding the behavior and habitat preferences of 140 class bucks.
These deer often inhabit areas with dense cover to evade predators and other dangers.
Be prepared to hunt in thick brush, woodlots, or swampy areas, where these big bucks might feel more secure.
Scoring Systems and Clubs

When it comes to measuring deer, particularly their antlers, the Boone and Crockett Club is a well-known establishment.
Their scoring system is the most widely used method for evaluating North American big game animals, including whitetail deer.
The system takes into account various factors, such as antler size, shape, and symmetry.
You might come across a 140-class whitetail deer, which means it scores at least 140 inches on the Boone and Crockett scoring system.
This score is usually associated with a healthy 8-point buck, having an antler spread of around 16 to 17 inches and weighing approximately 175 pounds or more.
Such a deer makes for a great trophy mount and can be found in many parts of the country.
The major features that contribute to a B&C score for a whitetail deer include:
- F: main beam length
- G: point lengths
- H: circumferences
- D: inside spread (not shown)
When hunting or observing deer, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with these scoring systems and clubs like the Boone and Crockett Club.
Their guidelines and knowledge can help you better appreciate the qualities of a deer, especially when you encounter a 140-class whitetail.
Notable 140 Class Bucks and Records

In Ohio, a state renowned for its trophy bucks, hunters have recorded numerous 140 class deer over the years.
They come from all corners of the state, illustrating the abundance of mature bucks in Ohio’s diverse habitats.
It’s no wonder that hunters from all over the country flock to this state in pursuit of such prizes.
As for world records, there are many organizations that keep track of these, including the Boone and Crockett Club and the Pope and Young Club.
Both clubs maintain records for bucks taken with firearms and archery equipment, respectively.
While 140 class bucks are indeed impressive, the world record non-typical whitetail deer, as recognized by the Boone and Crockett Club, scored a staggering 333 7/8 inches.
Now, let’s talk about a famous 140 class buck from Mississippi State University’s Deer Lab.
This deer, known as Buck #140, was captured, tagged, and fitted with a GPS collar for a study on deer movement.
The MSU Deer Lab’s research helps provide valuable insights into deer behavior, which in turn aids in the management of healthy deer populations.
Influence of Genetics and Environment on Deer Size

When it comes to deer size, both genetics and environment play significant roles.
Genetics determine the potential size a deer can reach, while the environment, mainly nutrition, influences how well deer can achieve that potential.
Some bucks can have genes coded to grow 140 B&C antlers and weigh 190 pounds, but the quality of their habitat can greatly affect these outcomes.
For instance, a buck born in an area with low habitat quality may struggle to reach its full size potential, despite its genetic makeup.
It’s important to consider factors such as location in your evaluation of deer size.
Deer found in the South may differ in size from those found in other regions due to various environmental influences.
Nutrition is one of the most crucial environmental factors, as it directly affects antler development and body growth.
Proper nutrition results in stronger bones and larger circumferences, both of which contribute to a larger appearance.
Observations and Field Judging Tips

When you want to identify a 140-class deer, there are some key elements to consider while field judging.
A combination of factors, such as antler mass, main beam length, point lengths, and circumferences, all contribute to the overall appearance and scoring of a deer.
First, pay attention to the ear tips. On average, the ear tip-to-tip spread of a whitetail buck is around 16 inches.
This can serve as a useful reference point when determining the inside spread of a buck’s antlers.
If the antlers extend well beyond the ear tips, chances are you’re looking at a larger buck.
Next, focus on tine length. The length of each tine, particularly the G2 and G3 tines, can greatly affect a deer’s score.
As a rule of thumb, estimate the tine length on one side and double it, then add 90 (or 100 if it’s exceptional, like great mass or long main beams) for a quick rough score.
To assess the mass of the antlers, which may provide 20 to 25 percent of the total score, look for a thick main beam that stands out and catches a lot of light.
A heavy beam is usually a good indication of a mature buck and contributes to the overall score.
Finally, don’t forget about circumference measurements.
The four circumference measurements on each antler (H1, H2, H3, and H4) can impact the score significantly.
Make a mental note of the relative thickness at the base of the antlers and along the main beams when field judging.
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the characteristics of a 140-inch whitetail deer?
A 140-inch whitetail deer is a male deer with antlers that score at least 140 inches on the Boone and Crockett (B&C) scoring system, which considers factors such as antler size, shape, and symmetry.
A deer with this score typically has large antlers, with a good mass and symmetrical tine placement.
How does a 140-inch deer compare to other sizes?
Deer with a 140-inch score on the B&C system are considered above average in size, but not exceptional.
However, they are still highly sought after by hunters.
Smaller deer of lower scores can still be impressive, while deer with higher scores (160 inches or more) are considered exceptional and rare.
What factors contribute to a deer reaching 140 inches?
There are various factors that contribute to a deer reaching 140 inches, including genetics, age, nutrition, and habitat.
A deer with good genetics has the potential to grow larger antlers, while older deer typically have larger antlers.
Additionally, proper nutrition and a healthy habitat help support antler growth.
How common is it to find a 140-inch deer?
Finding a 140-inch deer is not very common, depending on the hunting area and local deer population.
While they can be found in some regions with the right combination of factors, in other areas, it might be rare to come across a deer of this size.
What’s the difference between 140-inch 8-point and 10-point whitetails?
The difference between 140-inch 8-point and 10-point whitetails lies in the number of tines on their antlers.
An 8-point deer has four tines on each antler, while a 10-point deer has five tines on each antler.
The more tines a deer has, the higher its score on the B&C system.
How do I score a deer to determine if it’s 140 inches?
To score a deer and determine if it’s 140 inches, you would use the Boone and Crockett (B&C) scoring system.
This involves measuring the main beams, tine length, inside spread, and circumference at specific points.
You’ll then tally up these measurements and compare to the B&C standards to see if the deer has a score of 140 inches or higher.