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Are Spider Plants Toxic To Dogs?

As a dog owner, you take great care of your pet and provide them with a safe home that is free of hazards, and houseplants are a big concern.

With so many plant varieties and species, it’s hard to know which ones are toxic to animals.

The spider plant is a very common household plant, so the question deserves to be answered; are spider plants toxic to dogs?

No, spider plants are not toxic to dogs.

Not only are the whimsical green and white striped leaves delightful for humans to look at, but they also catch the eye of your pet, and they may even take a nibble.

If your dog does take a bite, are they going to be okay?

My Dog Ate A Spider Plant!

For many reasons some dogs tend to eat items of clothing, furniture, and plants that they really shouldn’t.

Should your dog eat spider plants?

The quick answer is no, but you also don’t need to panic.

Spider plants are not going to cause your dog any harm as they are non-toxic to animals.

But just because spider plants are non-toxic to your pet doesn’t mean that your dog should be eating them.

What Will A Spider Plant do To My Dog? Will It Poison Him?

Your dog will be fine if they eat a spider plant, but it may still cause some digestive issues, so you may be in for a rough day or two.

Dogs are not inherently attracted to plants for the taste.

Dogs are meat-eaters and would rather chew on a bone than take a nibble off of your plant.

So why do pets eat plants if they aren’t in it for the taste?

Contrary to popular belief, a dog or cat will not eat grass or plants because they feel sick; it just happens to be a side-effect of ingesting the plant matter.

However, dogs ingesting grass and plants are common, and while it will most likely cause your dog to vomit if they eat a spider plant or give them diarrhea, like all troubles, the runs and vomiting will pass (quite literally and naturally).

You may be wondering why your dog would vomit or have issues if the spider plant is not poisonous.

The reason a dog may vomit after consuming a large amount of a non-poisonous plant is that a dog’s digestive tract is not able to process plants.

You may want to make a phone call to your vet or take your pup in for a check-up if they consume the entire spider plant rather than just having a wee nibble.

What Will Become of my Spider Plant?

Phew! The good news is that your dog ate your spider plant and is going to be okay.

The bad news is, your dog ate your spider plant.

Most importantly, your dog will be fine if they ingest a spider plant, but the same may not go for the plant, and that can be hard to deal with as well.

Many people spend a great deal of time nurturing and caring for their plants, growing them for years; they become part of your home.

How does your dog chewing on the leaves affect the growth of the plant?

If your dog gnaws on a leaf, it will cause wounds on the plant and attract pests to the plant, which will cause more damage.

A chewed leaf may also significantly increase the risk of a bacterial or fungal infection in your plant.

To help your plant recover, you can use sharp scissors to cut off the leaves that are damaged.

Be sure to cut the plant at an angle to imitate the natural point.

How to Keep Your Dog and Plant Safe

While it is unnecessary to hide or remove your spider plant from your home or even put it on a high shelf, you may want to keep it at a slightly higher level than directly on the floor or in a hard-to-reach location.

Hanging pots are ideal for spider plants, particularly longer ones that have matured so that the elongated leaves are dangling for all to see.

You may also opt for a pet-safe (and plant-safe) spray that is nasty tasting to put on the leaves of your spider plant to deter your dog from taking a bite.

When displaying your spider plant, make sure to find a location that isn’t front and center in your dog’s field of vision or play radius.

Bottom Line

Spider plants are not toxic to your dog.

When ingested in large quantities, your dog may become sick or have issues with its bowels, although this is uncommon.

With redirection and a little ingenuity, your dog and your spider plant should be able to live quite harmoniously.

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