While it might be hard to imagine this mix, the Rottweiler Chihuahua Mix (or Chiweiler or Rotthuahua as they’re sometimes hilariously called) has become very popular in recent years.
On the surface, there doesn’t seem to be a much less likely mix between these two breeds.
However, their unique temperament and cute looks can make them an excellent addition to just about any home.
The first thing to discuss when it comes to the Chiweiler is its potential size.
There’s no real hard and fast rule on this one: they’re likely to be about the size of a Chihuahua or the Rottweiler with little room between.
With such two vastly different-sized dogs, it’s not surprising that the middle ground between these two options is basically non-existent, so prepare for this fact when buying one.
Just how much size difference are we talking about here?
Well, a mature Chihuahua is about nine inches tall, max, at the shoulder, and between 3.5 to 7.5 pounds.
By contrast, a Rottweiler is up to 27 inches (or three times taller than a Chihuahua) at the shoulder and up to 130 pounds or more.
While Rottweiler-sized Chiweilers are usually more common, you might get varying-sized pups in a litter.
As a result, you might have a full-sized Rottweiler that looks more or less like this breed as a sibling to a tiny Chihuahua with the basic look and size of that breed!
That’s not to say that this mix only produces extremes.
In fact, you might end up with a Rottweiler that has some very Chi-style facial expressions and even the peaked ears that you get with the Chihuahua.
Furthermore, you may also get a mid-sized Rottuahua (another hilarious name for this breed) that is about 12-16 pounds and which lives for up to 16 years or more!
That’s one of the most engaging things about this breed: its unpredictability.
For example, you can get either long-hair or short-hair cuts with one color or multiple colors, often with various rust tones throughout the coat.
This Look Isn’t Completely Random
Don’t despair of never finding the Chiweiler that meets your specific taste!
While it’s true that the end result of this combination isn’t always predictable, there are a few ways you can figure out what you’re likely to get.
Check out the parents’ past litters to get a feel for what they’ve produced.
This step can give you a better grasp on the size they typically produce and what colors you might get.
You may also look at the parents’ history to get a better idea as well.
For example, pure breed Chihuahuas and Rottweilers are more likely to produce Chiweiler pups with more extreme or one-dog-centric features.
That’s because their DNA is very specific and not incredibly diverse.
Dogs with more blended backgrounds may produce more diverse and blended dogs, including Chiweilers with differing sizes and varying features that separate them from their parent breeds.
The nice thing about this breed is that you’re likely to get pretty diverse puppies that may look more or less like either the Rottweiler or Chihuahua.
Gauging the pup by their general look is likely to give you a good guide as to their adult size and shape.
For instance, a puppy that has prominent Chihuahua features is not likely to grow to 22 inches or more: though rare, it might be possible.
Simply put, the best thing to do here is to just sit down and research a dog’s parents’ overall look, size, and breeding history when choosing a pup.
Doing so can help you better narrow your options and find the Chiweiler that you enjoy.
But why on Earth did these two breeds ever get bred?
Well, there are a few reasons that may be interesting to explore fully.
Rottweiler and Chihuahuas may not seem like they have a lot in common temperamentally at first.
However, they are both fairly loving, calm, and adoptable dogs that work well as companions.
While the Chi is almost exclusively a companion dog (can you imagine them ever doing work?), the Rottweiler also loves its people and can fit well into many situations.
However, the Chihuahua influence helps to bring a little more calm to the Rottweiler, which can be pretty full of energy.
As a working dog, they often need constant stimulation and are also quite intelligent to boot.
The Chihuahua’s more laid-back or low-key energy helps calm the Rottweiler’s excitability.
Furthermore, the Rottweiler’s overall friendlier attitude can help minimize the Chihuahua’s occasional nerviness or outright stranger aggression.
Even better, the Rottweiler’s known brightness can help the not-always-so-sharp Chihuahua come across as more intelligent and focused.
This great combination works best when the breed’s strengths counteract its weaknesses.
Breeders take a careful, careful approach when selecting animals for this combination, looking to bring out their best in many ways.
For example, you may end up with a dog that looks a lot like a Rottweiler but which has the more easy-going or less-energetic personality of the Chihuahua.
Or you might end up with an exact Chihuahua duplicate that is much smarter than normal and less prone to “going” in the house.
That said, this combination doesn’t always end up bringing the best out of your dog.
Some Personality Concerns
Some Chiweilers may end up with a slightly aloof personality or one that tends towards a more self-reliant attitude.
Both breeds have this independent streak, with it tending to be a bit higher in Rottweilers.
That doesn’t mean that they won’t be loyal to you and enjoy your personal interaction.
However, they often make less intense friendships and may jump from one person to the next.
Unfortunately, both Rottweilers and Chihuahuas can be a bit stranger-nervous and even downright aggressive to dogs that they don’t know.
It is important to socialize this breed early, introducing them to new people and new dogs frequently.
Obedience training, agility classes, and mental exercises can help them stay sharp and minimize these potentially upsetting behavioral concerns.
Health Concerns
No dog breed is free from health issues, and this mix is no different.
Like with other mixed dogs, the Rotthuahua has a few concerns that they inherit from both parents.
While getting a dog of this breed doesn’t guarantee problems, it is important to keep them in mind before buying these pups.
Doing so can help you better plan for any concerns and keep your dog happy and healthy.
For example, some Rotthuahua may suffer from hypothyroidism, a condition that may cause weakness, obesity, and even coat changes.
Medications can help minimize this problem and keep your pup healthy.
If you notice lethargy in your Chiweiler, talk to a vet right away.
They may not be incredibly high energy but should have some life and spunk in them.
Other Rotthuahua’s may suffer from subaortic stenosis (a potentially fatal heart disorder), Von Willebrand Disease (a bleeding disorder that may cause excessive blood flow), luxating patella (a genetic predisposition for dislocated knee caps), hypoglycemia (excessively low blood sugar), and a few other less severe and problematic conditions.

For instance, Chihuahua-sized Chiweilers may be prone to various oral health diseases, including crowded teeth and excessive teeth rot.
It isn’t uncommon for this breed to lose all its teeth young, especially when smaller.
Regularly brushing their teeth and letting them chew on healthy bones can clean their mouth and gums and minimize these problems as much as possible.
In some cases, a Rottweiler-sized Chiweiler may experience some obesity risks if its energy level is similar to a Chihuahua’s.
If you notice your dog isn’t big into getting up and playing, try to encourage them with some play or switch them to a weight-loss diet.
Doing so can help minimize their risks and keep them healthier for longer.
Otherwise, they might bulk up in a few years.
Working With Your Vet
While the Rotthuahua is a pretty healthy breed, for the most part, there are situations in which you might need to talk to your vet to plan various checkups.
They can spot potential health concerns and provide some care options.
For example, they can help any Rotthuahua with heart problems live a healthier life by performing surgeries or providing medications to stabilize their health.
Doing so can add years of life to your canine companion and improve their overall life quality for years to come.