Pitbulls are incredibly popular dogs thanks to their friendly personality, overall cute look, and their varying coat colors.
They breed well with the Vizsla, a leaner dog that typically has a singular coat color, a more laid-back personality, and a fairly houndish look that contrasts the Pitty.
This dog, the Pitzsla, is a great family option for many people.
The resulting mix is one that should appeal to many dog owners.
You will need some patience with this occasionally stubborn dog but are rewarded with intense loyalty and endless affection.
Believe the hype: this breed is something that is worth investigating if you dig either parent dog.
Here’s what you need to know about the Pitzsla.

When it comes to mixing dog breeds, there are a few different approaches that breeders take.
For example, they may find very different dogs and combine them into a unique whole by contrasting their distinct features.
Other breeders may prefer complimenting breeds by putting together two with similar looks.
In the case of the Pittbull and Vizsla, the latter approach is in play here.
It’s not that they look that much alike when you compare the two breeds.
Pitbulls have that compact and study body that betrays their fighting breeding.
Vizslas are much leaner and are bred for game hunting and speed.
However, their overall size and shape are similar enough that they make a nice compatible breeding mix that often creates a fairly attractive and appealing dog.
Expect a fairly muscular and sturdy dog, one with either the stocky head of the Pitbull or the rather leaner look of the Vizsla.
They’ll typically be about 17 to 20 inches tall and weigh between 30 and 80 pounds.
Their weight and size is variable depending on the prominent parent genes.
For example, you might get one as tall as 24 inches if they’re more prone to the Vizsla lineage.
As for their eyes and other decorative features, you can expect things like almond-shaped eyes, lean and silky ears, broad faces, and single-color coats.
The colors will vary heavily, including tan, chocolate, and even gray.
The overall coat should be singular, though there might be small patches of other colors spread throughout the coat, depending on the parent dogs.
The sometimes random lineage of the Pitbull (which is a bit of a mutt even as a “pure breed”) may bring in more patches, particularly around the face.
Many Pitbull breeders try to increase these patches throughout the Pitty because it makes them cuter and softens their sometimes harsh appearance.
However, the Pitbull has friendly and sweet eyes and a big smile that pairs well with the Vizsla’s loyal, but sometimes clingy, demeanor.

The elephant in the room when talking about Pitbulls is their bad reputation as dangerous dogs.
There’s no denying that some Pitbulls have attacked people, but the sheer number of friendly, easy-going, and loving Pitbulls does counter that claim.
In most cases, Pitbulls that attacked others were raised in dangerous environments or mistreated.
Proper obedience, loving training, and a great environment make them very friendly.
After all: millions of people own Pitbulls with no trouble whatsoever.
In a loving environment, a Pitbull is honestly one of the most loving and friendly dogs available.
They’re even good with children and tend to be welcoming to strangers.
It all depends on their lineage and how you treat them.
When pairing them with a Vizsla, you may create an even friendlier dog that is often very clingy to its owners and very focused on humans.
That may make them a little annoying to some people, though others will love that attention.
In fact, adding Pitbull to the Vizsla can help temper one of that dog’s few undesirable traits: its trouble with children.
Vizslas often have a hard time with very young children and may nip in defense.
By contrast, the well-trained and friendly Pitbull is instinctively kind to young ones.
As a result, a Pitzla may be an outstanding balance: a friendly, but not overly clingy, dog that loves kids.
That balance is fantastic and should help this breed work well in just about any home.
As for training, both Pitbulls and Vizslas possess high intelligence and respond well to many commands.
They typically react after one command and rarely act out once they’ve been properly trained.
That said, their intelligence (and their love of running) can make them a little mischievous at times.
They will push their boundaries and look to you to see if what they did was okay and need you to tell them that it was not.
Positive reinforcement is key in these situations.
A few things to keep in mind with this breed are its higher prey drive and its love of chasing.
The Vizsla is particularly prone to chasing, though Pitbulls may chase animals in defense if they feel threatened.
Remember, they were also bred as a guard dogs, meaning that they have a tendency to be more sensitive to their area than others.
Some Pitbull “attacks” are simply them defending themselves in this way and not understanding that they’re not in danger.
Thankfully, the Vizsla influence should counter this defensiveness a little.
While it’s true that the Vizsla isn’t quite as welcoming as the Pitbull, they are not as known for defensive behaviors.
Their bark is truly bigger than their bite!
In fact, an untrained Vizla may be very vocal, which may pass down to the Pitzsla.
Careful obedience training can eliminate much of this vocal behavior, though rarely all of it.
Health Concerns
Mixing dog breeds may help mitigate some health problems by creating more diverse genes and minimizing the risk of recurring issues.
That said, it is also important to note that both Pitbulls and Vizslas have common concerns that may pass from parents to children.
While the Pitzsla may be less sensitive to these issues, they may develop in other circumstances and need a little help to correct.
For example, the Pitzsla may be prone to problems like allergies, progressive retinal atrophy, oral health issues, obesity if overfed, hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, heart diseases, Von Willebrand’s Disease, and hypothyroidism.
That doesn’t mean that your dog will get all or even any of these conditions, of course.

Talk with your vet to learn more about what you can do to prevent these issues.
As for grooming concerns, you’re usually in luck because both breeds only moderately shed and usually require very minimal grooming.
Weekly brushing should help you handle this problem with ease.
Their single-coat is usually well maintained through rigorous self-grooming, so baths may only be necessary if they get into something that they shouldn’t, like animal fecal matter.
Since this breed is likely to be very active and athletic, you need to keep them active with exercise and regular outdoor time.
The Pitzsla loves walks and will also run away from you if given a chance.
A strong chain is highly recommended in an open yard.
If possible, put up a tall fence to keep this strong and agile dog from leaping out and escaping.
Pay attention to digging behaviors, as they may try to escape if bored.
You probably don’t need to feed your Pitzsla over two or three cups of food every day.
While the Vizsla is a naturally trim dog with minimal food drive compared to the Pitbull, obesity is a common factor with this breed if left unchecked.
Watching their food, minimizing unnecessary snacks, and carefully exercising with them for one to two hours every day will get your Pitzsla in great shape.
For these reasons, the Pitzsla is not a splendid choice for older families or senior citizens.
They’re also not great for apartment environments, as they simply need more room to explore and run.
Get outside with them and throw the ball to keep them active.
Doing so can help to combat any physical health problems and also help you bond more fully with your new pup.

Is the Pitzsla Right for You?
It is important to seriously consider the Pitzsla’s parents and lineage before buying one of these dogs.
While the Pitbull is usually an excellent family dog (in spite of its reputation), the Vizsla has a harder time with kids.
Does your Pitzsla seem nervous or struggle to spend time with children?
Factors like these are important to consider because your dog needs to blend well with your family.
You shouldn’t have to lock your Pitzsla up every time your kids come home from school.
Talk with your vet about these concerns and make sure you choose wisely when picking your dog.