Need to pick up some new outdoor gear or outdoor wear and want to bring your puppy or adult dog along with you?
If Kohl’s is one of the stores you plan on visiting, do you even know if you can take your dog inside?
Maybe – Kohl’s does allow dogs in the store in some locations as it is up to the store manager. However some locations don’t allow dogs inside unless the dog is a service animal.
Keep reading for more details on the pet policy at Kohl’s stores.
Is Kohl’s Dog Friendly?

Many retailers are pet-friendly, meaning that they allow pet owners to bring pets of all sorts onto the premises.
If you’re shopping at Kohl’s then you should know that most locations are not pet friendly, but some store managers do allow pets.
Kohl’s is a pet-friendly store in some locations, but not all.
The company wants to ensure that the Kohl’s locations remain safe and enjoyable for all shoppers.
Therefore, they let the manager of each store location make the final decision as to if non-service animals are allowed in the store with shoppers.
The company takes all things into consideration, such as allergic reactions that other customers might have.
They also consider that small children might fear the animals, and untrained animals may cause health hazards inside the store.
Their overall attitude toward pets in the store is welcoming in many locations.
What Is Kohl’s Official Policy on Dogs?

The retailer’s official policy is that only service dogs are allowed in the store.
Here’s is what an employee had to say about the corporate pet-friendly policy for Kohl’s:
I know a while back, corporate sent out a guide on how to handle animals in the store. Yes it is only for service animals, but you have to be careful when questioning the owner because you’re basically asking if they have a disability if asking if it’s a service animal.
However current and former employees tells us that some stores are allowed to let dogs in the store, unless there are local laws that prohibit it.
Just keep in mind that each store location may enact their own dog policy, which means it’s up the store manager’s discretion if you are allowed in with your doggy.
And not all stores let you take your dog in to try on gear.
Of course, if your dog is a service animal, then Federal law requires that all Kohl’s store locations let you in with your service dog.
And don’t forget that emotional support animals are NOT service dogs.
Does Kohl’s Dog Policy Vary Across Locations?

Technically, the official corporate policy for Kohl’s is that only service dogs are allowed, but the reality is that not all store managers enforce this.
Yes, the pet-friendly policy of Kohl’s does vary across store locations since it is ultimately up to the manager at each store if dogs should be let into the location.
A good rule of thumb is to just call up the store location that you intend to visit with your dog and ask if they will let you both into the store.
Or, just show up and ask upon arrival, knowing that you may be refused entry.

Final Word
If you end up at your local Kohl’s store and have your dog with you, then you should feel free to take your doggo into the store with you but check with the greeter at the door that it is okay.
Just make sure that your dog is well behaved and on a leash.
And keep in mind that some stores actually don’t permit dogs inside, so it’s best to call and check in advance – or just ask upon arrival.
Of course, pick up after the dog if he goes to the bathroom in the store.
And if you’re planning ahead, then it doesn’t hurt to call the Kohl’s store you’ll be shopping at to check on their dogs policy in advance.