Are you getting a new dog and not sure if you should keep the plants you currently have in the home?
You’re correct to be worried because some houseplants are toxic to dogs, while others are harmless.
Knowing which plants are safe for your pup helps your dog-proof your home.
Here’s a quick look at houseplants you may have in your home, according to experts.
Safe Houseplants for Dogs
If you have any of these plants in your home, then rest easy. These plants are safe for dogs.
African violets
African violets are one of the most suitable and favorite indoor plants because they can flourish in low light and indoor environments.
Their flowers come in different shades and are tempting for your dogs to bite and chew them because of their colors, size, and capability of attracting any creature.
They are totally safe for dogs, notes Jill Sandy of Constant Delights, even if they chew them because the flowers don’t have any toxic compounds in them that may harm the pets.
These brazilian flower plants have very mesmerizing and beautiful flowers, notes Sandy, and they also come in different colors.
Gloxinia are very attractive, but to humans only.
I haven’t observed my dogs and cats going near this plant or trying to chew the flowers, probably because the flowers are slightly bigger in size.
However, I’d still suggest this plant as being dog-friendly as it is totally non-toxic for your pets and has no harmful chemicals in its leaves and flowers.
Moth orchids
Moth orchids are a safe indoor plant for dogs, says Chanel Meekins of Pierre Michel Beauty.
The stunning flowers of moth orchids can transform a dull room.
Although orchids are generally delicate, moth orchids is one of the types that is easy to care for.
Place your moth orchids on a shady area with indirect sunlight.
When hydrating your plant, water only the roots, leaving the leaves and flower dry to prevent over-watering.
Bamboo Palm
Bamboo palm is one of my favorite non-toxic houseplant options, says Elle Meager of Outdoor Happens.
Bamboo palm’s thick, fluffy, dark green leaves are easy to maintain indoors – and they add a lovely tropical dynamic to any bedroom or office.
Bamboo palm’s floppy leaves might entice rambunctious puppies and kittens to take a bite.
But don’t worry – as the bamboo palm plant is considered non-toxic for both dogs and cats.
Watermelon Plant
When you first set eyes upon the wondrous leaves of the watermelon plant – you’ll swear that you’re looking at a tiny patch of watermelon growing in a field!
Upon further inspection – you realize that your eyes have betrayed you.
You’re in the presence of the watermelon plant – also known as the aluminum plant.
Similar to the Boston fern in that it’s not very fussy about direct light – the watermelon plant appears impressive and quickly breathes life into nearly any room of your home.
Watermelon plants are also safe for your dogs and cats – so you don’t need to stress out when leaving your home to run errands.
Venus Flytraps
If you’re looking for an out-of-the-ordinary houseplant that’s safe for your loveable dogs (and cats) – then look no further.
This perennial herb indigenous to North and South Carolina doesn’t need to worry about being eaten in most cases.
But, those unsuspecting insects that activate the interior trigger hairs of the Venus flytrap need to worry!
One of the only downsides to the Venus flytrap is that it’s much fussier than other houseplants on this list.
One of the primary benefits is that you may soon experience fewer buzzing sounds and crawling insects if you deploy several Venus flytraps in your home.
Sweet bonus! (Venus flytraps are also fascinating to observe if you have a geeky side or love exotic nature!)
Boston Fern
Boston ferns not only have luscious and beautiful foliage, notes Matt Paxton of Hypernia, but they also naturally balance out moisture levels inside your home and create a comfortable environment.
Just keep in mind that they thrive in humid environments in indirect sunlight so they need a little bit of loving.
Just remember to keep the soil damp and spray the leaves with water 1-2 times a week.
They’re also pet-safe, so it’s completely okay if your cat or dog nibbles on them from time to time.
But if you want to keep them out of your pet’s reach, no need to worry because they make lovely hanging plants.
If you’re looking to get some plants that are okay for your dog, then Pete Danylewycz of USAngler recommends the Calathea.
These gorgeous hanging plants are often thought to be toxic because of their South American jungle origins, but they are actually completely safe for pets.
Fittonia Nerve Plant
They’re one of my favorite plants which are also non-toxic to dogs, says Sheery Morgan of Petsolino.
They come in different colors like red and pink and they are easy to care for.
Pilea Mollis Moon Valley plant (friendship plant)
I’m quite surprised that these plants are non-toxic as well, notes Morgan.
Another plant favorite of mine, a very easy to care houseplant.
I just basically leave it alone; let it super dry out then give it some water.
It’s also called the friendship plant.
Prayer Plant
The Prayer Plant is a common house plant that is perfect for homes with pets.
It is a colorful houseplant that is both popular and totally safe for dogs, says Alex Williams of Greenery Guide.
It is brightly colored and looks tasty, so don’t be alarmed if your pet decides to take a bite.
Any type of succulents are dog-friendly, says Robert Johnson of Sawinery.
It won’t cause any harm to your dogs because it is non-toxic even if they accidentally ingest it.
Aside from that, dogs tend to instinctively avoid eating succulents as they find it unappetizing.
One of my favorite flowers is the orchid and I have several of these in my home with my dog, says Grace Young of House Fragrance.
Fortunately, these beautiful flowers are non-toxic to people and pets.
Although, I would be very sad if my dog ate my precious orchids!
Christmas Cactus
The Christmas Cactus is non-toxic for pets, notes Matt Eddleston of Gardening Vibe.
And unlike many cacti, it doesn’t have sharp spines, so it won’t cause harm to your dogs if they do start to take an interest in it.
It blooms in the winter around Christmas time, hence the name, producing pretty salmon colored flowers.
Keep it in well-drained soil and bright light.
Rattlesnake Plant
A popular houseplant you may already own that’s safe is the rattlesnake plant, says David Douek of Beeco.
A beautiful shade-loving indoor plant that seems to have no harmful effects on our four-legged friends.
Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)
This popular houseplant is an ideal decorative element for your indoor space as well as a totally friendly plant for your pets, says Bryan McKenzie of Bumper Crop Times.
Its tropical look can add many points to the room’s coziness score and even make it feel a bit warmer.
Good news for workaholics! This palm needs watering only when the soil dries completely.
Peperomia (Fittonia albivenis)
These plants are not demanding at all and offer a huge variety of colors and textures for decorating your home.
The leaves don’t include any toxins, so nothing bad will happen if your dog chews some.
Mosaic Plant
This exquisite look of this rainforest plant can make you think that there are toxins in those bright “nerves” of the plant, but there are actually none!
It’s a perfect small plant for shady corners of your house and they require moderate watering to thrive.
Spider Plants
My favorite houseplant is the spider plants because it’s both easy to take care of and safe for my dog, says Kieren Windsor of Smart Home Insider.
If you’ve never seen these plants before, they’re sort of like little potted ferns.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you have a playful puppy, then he may try to eat the leaves of the spider plant.
It’s not toxic to your dog, but you should still discourage it.
Toxic Houseplants for Dogs
If you have any of these plants in your home, then remove them immediately. These plants are NOT safe for dogs.
Anthurium (Flamingo flower)
This plant is not safe for dogs and should not be in the home with pets, says Kenneth Byrd of Curl Centric.
It is popular for its vibrant and contrasting foliage.
The flower and stem of anthurium is poisonous to dogs.
When ingested, it can cause extreme pain, tongue paralysis, vomiting, and gastrointestinal irritation.
Peace lily
The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant, but it’s toxic to dogs if they ingest it, warns Jen Stark of Happy DIY Home.
It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and irritation in your dog’s tongue, mouth, and throat.
Regular Ivy plants and wreak havoc on your dog if they eat them.
Your dog can develop breathing problems or a rash if they eat it.
However, it can also lead to paralysis or a coma.
Elephant Ear
This plant produces harmful toxins that can cause swelling or burning in your dog’s mouth and tongue.
They can also suffer from difficulty swallowing if they eat it, increased salivation, and vomiting.
In severe cases, ingestion can lead to breathing difficulties or death.
Zanzibar gem (ZZ plant)
ZZ plant is one that is not safe for dogs, says Kristen Young of Snorkel & Hike.
Although a natural purifier, all parts of the Zanzibar gem, or ZZ plant, are poisonous to pets.
When ingested, your dog may suffer discomfort.
It can also cause skin inflammation, so make sure to use gloves when touching it.
Snake Plant
Snake Plant is one that should definitely be avoided if you have dogs in the house, notes Rene Langer of Pick HVAC.
While snake plants are toted as non-toxic to dogs, I’ve witnessed dogs have upset stomachs and vomit for days after ingesting snake plants.
While it won’t hurt the dog, it will make them very sick.
Dumb Cane
Dumb Cane is one house plant that you want to make sure you don’t have in the house with a pet.
This big leafed attractive house plant that has been known to kill cats and dogs who ingest the leaves of this plant.
While animals generally stay away from this plant, it is not worth the risk, says Nunzio Ross of Majesty Coffee.
Jade Plants
If you’re looking for plants to avoid, then Josh Blackburn of Evolving Home suggests removing any Jade Plants in the home.
Jades and other rubber plants are gorgeous but highly toxic to pets.
Ingesting just a small amount of the leaves can cause severe gastrointestinal issues, slow heart rate, and loss of coordination.
Aloe Vera
Many of my homesteading friends assume that aloe vera is safe for pets!
The truth is, says Elle Meager, that aloe vera is toxic for dogs, cats, horses, and other pets.
Beware, and stay clear!
Christmas Rose
The Christmas rose boasts massive, white, lustrous blooms that are a wonder to observe!
Unfortunately, the plant’s toxic for dogs, cats, horses, and other pets.
Avoid – and stay clear!
These breathtaking yellow, red, orange, purple, or white flowers look beautiful and are popular plants for gardeners worldwide.
Unfortunately, mums (Chrysanthemum spp) are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses – so it’s advised that you avoid bringing them indoors around your pets.
Morning Glory
The deep purple and striking pink hues of the morning glory flower can make you swoon with delight!
Unfortunate for your dogs, cats, and other pets – morning glory is toxic and may cause an array of alarming health issues.
Keep these away from your pets!
This velvety, lavender-colored beauty emits a sweet scent that will catch your attention for all the right reasons.
However, you must proceed with caution – as wisteria is toxic for dogs, cats, and your other pets.
Avoid, and seek a safer plant!
Final Word
As you can see, there are a lot of safe house plants for dogs, as well as toxic plants for dogs.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a complete list, but does cover some of the more common houseplants.
If your plant isn’t on this list, then as your vet for advice.
Thanks for sharing this list, can you please share the list of plants that need to be avoided for cats?