When your Golden starts teething and turns into a slobbery little landshark, you might find yourself wondering when all this will end.
On average, Golden Retrievers lose all their baby teeth and stop teething by around 6 months old. That’s when their adult teeth are fully in.
But, the bad news is that your Golden doesn’t stop chewing and biting things once he stops teething. Some dogs never grow out of this (sorry!).
So, in addition to knowing when your dog stops teething, you also need to know how to teach your dog to not bite and chew on everything in site.
Below we’ll give you more details on Golden Retriever teething and biting behavior, and what you can do about it.
When Do Golden Retrievers Lose Their Baby Teeth?
Your Golden Retriever will start losing his baby teeth as a puppy of around 6 months old.
The range for when this happens is as early as 4 months old and as late as 8 months old, but the average is 6 months old.
When those baby teeth start to fall out, don’t worry if you see a little blood or blood stains on your Golden’s favorite toys.
Where do those dog baby teeth go?
Don’t be surprised if you start finding little dog teeth on the floor around your home.
As the baby teeth start to fall out, they sometimes fall out of the Golden’s mouth and onto your floors.
However, sometimes dogs actually swallow their baby teeth when the fall out, so you won’t actually find all of the teeth on your floor.
There’s no need to worry about your puppy swallowing the lost baby teeth because it is both normal and harmless.

When Do Golden Retrievers Grow Their Adult Teeth?
As your Golden Retriever’s baby teeth fall out, his adult teeth will start to come in.
On average, a Golden Retriever has all of his adult teeth by age 6 months old.
Of course, it make take longer for some dogs.
Timeline: Golden Retriever Puppy Teething Stages
Here’s a quick look of what to expect as far as a teething timeline for your Golden Retriever puppy.
Signs Your Golden Retriever Is Teething
Once your Golden Retriever starts teething, you will begin to notice it because there are some telltale signs.
Likely the most noticeable is the increase in drool.
Here are the common puppy teething signs to watch for:
- Frequent and excessive drooling
- Swollen and red gums
- Increase in chewing on everything
- Whining or whimpering
- Eating slower than usual or loss of appetite
- Bleeding gums
- Visible evidence of missing teeth
Once you start to notice more than one of these signs, then it is a pretty good chance that your Golden has started teething.
What To Do For A Teething Golden Retriever Puppy
Once you know that your puppy is teething, there are a few things that you can do it make it a more comfortable process for him.
And since he’ll be chewing and biting all the things, there are a few things you can do to limit the destruction around your home.

Give him teething toys
You can buy some dog toys that are specifically designed for teething puppies.
These toys are usually made to be put in the freezer so that when your dog chews on them they numb the teething pain.
You can also take a clean, wet washcloth and tie it into a knot before freezing it and then giving it to your pup to chew on.
Massage his gums
If your Golden is not too bitey during this period, you can put your finger in his mouth and massage his little gums to relieve some pain.
It’s a really good idea to try this, if you can, as it gets your dog used to your finger in his mouth, which is beneficial once you start brushing his adult teeth later on.
How To Deal With Your Golden’s Chewing And Biting During Teething
One thing that often comes as a surprise to new dog owners during the teething phase is all the destructive chewing and biting.
This is really when you need to take some time to dedicate to dog training.
Keeping your Golden active and occupied with chew toys is a great way to prevent him from chewing on everything else in the house.
You definitely don’t want to leave your Golden Retriever unsupervised while he’s teething, or he just might chew up your favorite things.
It is important that you work to teach your puppy things that are off-limits or bad behavior so the he starts learning what is not allowed now.
The worst thing you can do if you find your Golden with something in his mouth that is off limits is to chase after him to get it because he will associate this with play time – and it will make him want to chew on this item all the time.
You can also use treats to reinforce good behavior during this period.
What Age Do Golden Retrievers Stop Chewing On Everything?
For some Golden Retrievers, they chew on everything as both puppies and adults.
But, on average, Goldens stop trying to chew on everything after around 8 months old – but the chewing never really ends.
Instead, you’ll just notice that the instances of your Golden chewing on this is reduced a bit.
But with training, you teach the Golden to only chew on things that are allowed and not on thing that are off-limits.
Final Word
As you can see, a Golden Retriever starts teething at a fairly young age, but the process doesn’t last all that long.
However, one thing that does last a while is the biting and chewing from your Golden.
Use our guide above to know what to expect with your Golden puppy.