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Can You Give A Dog Tums?

It is often a sad and confusing state of affairs when you don’t know the right treatments for your sick dog.

Identifying remedies for stomach upset in your dog can be a challenge.

Tums is a popular alternative for treating gastrointestinal issues in dogs.

Its effects are temporary to give you enough time to figure out your next steps.

All you have to do is ensure that you follow the guidelines of applications provided by the vet to ensure its effectiveness.

The safest bet for treating your dog for minor issues is to consult your vet before proceeding.

Your vet gives you an idea of all the options you have besides medicating your dog.

You also get to learn the correct way to apply medication to your dog.

It is vital not to miss getting the vet’s input for other reasons besides getting a prescription.

For instance, it’s an opportunity to learn that Tums can worsen your dog’s health.

You could say that you can give your dog Tums, but go for it if you have a better option.

How Do Tums Work?

Before administering Tums on your dog, it’s essential to know how it functions.

The tag on Tums is that it is an antacid used to relieve heartburn and indigestion.

These are some of the essential functions of these medications.

Calcium carbonate is the primary component issued in manufacturing Tums.

It is an effective acid neutralizer that is its preference in managing various stomach problems.

The calcium carbonate in Tums reacts with the hydrogen in the stomach acid.

After the binding process, free acid in the stomach gets eliminated immediately.

Your dog, in turn, gets to experience instant relief from pain and discomfort.

Besides getting rid of free-floating acid, Tums also helps release calcium which gets absorbed into the body.

Besides relieving your dog from digestive problems temporarily, it’s also applicable in binding phosphorus in the blood.

Vets use it to treat kidney diseases.

Although that’s the case, avoid taking matters into your hands and giving Tums to your dog when it has those conditions.

As much as it works to relieve specific symptoms, it can worsen kidney disease.

When Can  Your Dog Have Tums?

You can look out for signs of heartburn or stomach upset in your dog to know if you should give Tums to your dog.

It is hard to tell when your dog is having stomach issues, and only some of the symptoms can let you know that it’s happening.

  • Vomiting  accompanied by coughing and production of a foamy, yellow fluid
  • Bad Breath
  • Gagging
  • Frequent swallowing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Wincing after eating

You can try finding out more from a vet since sometimes your dog could have other stomach issues that Tums can’t get rid of.

As mentioned, besides treating gastric issues, Tums is helpful in other ways when it comes to canine health.

Vets apply it to take care of specific health issues in dogs.

If you plan on stocking up on this medicine, you can inquire from your vet if the treatment has any extreme effects once you apply it as instructed.

Here are some other conditions that Tums helps treat.


Lactating dogs are likely to suffer from this condition, but vets can take care of it with Tums.

The disease features a drop in calcium levels in the blood in lactating dogs.

It comes accompanied by seizures and tremors

You might end up rushing your dog to the emergency room as a result of this condition.

It might sound like something that simple, but it can be pretty detrimental.

If not treated, the result is death.

Besides using medication and supplements to treat the seizures, some vets include Tums in tumors treatment plans.

Tums contains calcium carbonate as the primary ingredient.

Kidney Failure

When your dog has kidney failure, it also causes heightened phosphorus levels in the blood.

Your vet can apply phosphate binders to manage the issue.

Tums is one of the most affordable solutions that your vet is likely to prescribe.

Again, calcium carbonate is the primary ingredient.

The calcium carbonate binds phosphorus in digested meals and allows it to pass through the bowels when they pass stool.

It’s a process that prevents the absorption of excessive phosphorus into the body.

There is a risk that comes with using Tums to treat either of the conditions above.

For instance, using Tums runs the risk of causing hyperkalemia in dogs with kidney conditions.

Vets only use it to supplant if other medications designed to treat the diseases are inaccessible.

How safe is Tums for Dogs?

As helpful as Tums is, it can still cause problems for your dog’s health.

A closer look at the ingredients used to manufacture Tums will reveal that it contains xylitol.

The substance is an artificial sweetener that can cause blood sugar drop in your dog’s blood.

The sugar content in it is to entice humans.

You can take the initiative to ensure that the variety of Tums you choose does not have harmful substances for your dog.

The labels can tell you a lot about the ingredients.

Also, it would be best to avoid using Tums regularly.

It will prevent the accumulation of calcium in your dog’s bloodstream.

If your dog suffers from chronic Gastric-intestinal issues, it would be best to look for more permanent solutions to help take care of the condition.

Other substances like dyes in Tums can affect your dog’s health negatively.

They are triggers of allergies.

Your vet provides directions on what to do if your dog reacts to Tums negatively.

Correct Dosage of Tums for Your Dog

Tums often come in different strengths, which determine the dosage.

Your dog’s weight also plays a role in determining the dosage.

These are enough reasons to ensure that you consult your vet before giving Tums to your dog.

The dosage for small dogs is 1250 milligrams in 24 hours.

Your vet will likely suggest six to ten grams of Tums over a twenty-four-hour period for big dogs.

Ensure that you follow your vet’s instructions on dosage.


Tums is safe for your dog.

The only thing you have to do is pay attention when administering it to your, especially if it’s lactating or has kidney issues.

You can consult your vet on other options that you can use to treat mild stomach issues in your dog.

Also, ensure to take note of the frequency of your dog’s problems with indigestion.

It will help you know if you need to have your dog further examined by the vet.

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