Are you the new owner of German Shepherd puppy?
You will need to brace yourself for the long road ahead.
There are plenty of responsibilities coming your way.
First, you need to prepare yourself, your home, and your puppy for their teething stage.
Read on to explore teething symptoms and when German Shepherds stop teething.
We will also cover methods on how to protect your furniture from teething puppies.
Furthermore, we take an in-depth look at a puppy teething timeline.
Each stage will explain what to expect and tips to deal with potential complications.
How to Protect Your Furniture from German Shepherd Puppy Teething
To ease the pain your puppy will face, they will try to find anything around the house to chew.
Targets might include furniture, pillows, wires, containers, and more.
While this is not ideal for you, your puppy doesn’t not know any better.
Therefore, the best we can do is mitigate the damages.
Take the following precautions to prevent teething puppies from damaging your home:
- Spritz taste-deterrent (bitter or spicy flavors) furniture. Applying this spray will likely discourage your puppy from gnawing on furniture due to the unpleasant taste.
- If you are home and your puppy is loose, monitor him when possible.
- When you are running errands or at work, try to find a dog sitter to ensure your puppy is not chewing on anything.
- If you had no luck finding a dog sitter, keep your puppy in a roomy kennel.
- Designate an area of your home to store toxic cleaning supplies and other items. Keep this area walled off with a baby gate to prevent your puppy from entering.
- Practice exceptional wire management skills and invest in teething-resistant cord covers.
- Designate an area of the house for items your dog can chew to help train them.
German Shepherd Puppy Teething Signs and Symptoms
It is essential to know when German Shepherds stop teething.
However, how do you know when your puppy is teething?
With some of their behavior, we might misinterpret their actions as misbehaving rather than teething.
Therefore, it’s important to know what to expect during this stage in your dog’s life.
Keep these teething signs in symptoms in mind when observing your puppy:
- Blood on toys. Since your puppy will chew on her toys more, you might find blood spots due to irritated gums or lost baby teeth.
- Difference in behavior. Due to the chronic pain, your puppy might feel, they will likely act differently.
- Low-grade fever. A low-grade fever should only last a week or two max. Also, you might notice they doesn’t have much of an appetite. The loss of appetite should last as long as the fever.
- More drooling. Expect to see more saliva oozing from your puppy’s mouth.
- Small teeth lying around. You might find these embedded in toys, near her food bowl, or in areas your puppy can reach.
- Inflamed gums. Reddened gums are common in teething puppies due to incoming adult teeth.
- More chewing. To self-soothe, you will likely notice your puppy gnawing on more items than usual.
German Shepherd Puppy Teething Timeline
Now, we need a reference to connect the mentioned symptoms with your puppy’s teething.
We also need to know when your puppy’s baby teeth will erupt and fall out to connect the dots.
Here are the puppy teething stages, how your pup might feel, and when German Shepherds stop teething.
Early Stages: Between 0 and 6 Weeks Old
For at least the first 14 days after your German Shepherd puppy is born, they will not have any teeth.
You will begin to notice milk teeth (baby teeth) pushing through your puppy’s gums after the two- or three-week marks.
From here on, you should watch for how many teeth sprout, where they come from, and how long it takes them to appear.
Here is the order in which your German Shepherd’s teeth should grow:
- Front teeth. These front teeth are otherwise known as incisors.
- Canine teeth. At this point, you can slowly introduce your puppy to solid foods.
- Premolar teeth. The remaining teeth that grow behind the canines at the back of your puppy’s mouth.
Keep in mind that puppies do not grow molars as baby teeth.
Milk Teeth: Between 8 and 12 Weeks Old
By this point, the last premolar should have sprouted.
Your German Shepherd puppy should have all 28 milk teeth.
Take your pup to a clinic to ensure all their baby teeth have grown.
If not, the doctor will diagnose your puppy and let you know what to do next.
Falling Out: Between 12 and 16 Weeks Old
Around this time, your German Shepherd puppy’s teeth will begin to fall out.
Keep an eye out for any complications.
You might also find tiny teeth or blood spots throughout your home.
To ensure you catch all the lost teeth, watch for baby teeth planted in furniture or toys.
As with the order, the baby teeth sprouted.
The same goes for when the milk teeth fall out.
First, your puppy should lose their incisors.
Afterward, they will lose baby canines. Finally are the premolars.
If, after week 16, all your puppy’s teeth have not fallen out, consider the following.
Take your dog to a veterinary professional to have their remaining milk teeth pulled.
Once all your puppy’s baby teeth have fallen out, begin training if you have not already.
That way, they will ease off of teething.
Early training also prevents your puppy from developing bad habits.
Adult Teeth: Around 7 to 8 Months Old
By this point, all of your German Shepherd’s milk teeth should have fallen out and by the time your dog is eight months old.
They should have all 42 of their adult teeth (including molars).
Consider taking your puppy to the vet to make sure she has no misaligned teeth.
When Do German Shepherds Stop Teething
Around six months old is when most German Shepherds stop teething.
However, not all dogs are the same.
Wait until at least eight months to ensure whether your puppy stopped teething.
If your puppy lacks training, develops any bad habits, or feels mischievous, they might continue teething to get your attention.
Some Tips to Help Your Puppy Deal With Teething
While your puppy is teething, they will likely feel chronic pain due to baby and adult teeth cycling in and out of their mouth.
With a few toys or treats, you could reduce gum redness or even prevent your puppy from chewing on your furniture.
Use some of these tips and remedies to help ease your puppy’s pain while they are teething:
- Rub ice cubes on their gums. Freeze a broth your puppy loves and gently brush an ice cube against their reddened gums to provide relief.
- Non-caffeinated tea. Giving your puppy a chilled tea might help them relax. For example, a herb like chamomile is safe for dogs.
- Natural puppy teething gel. These products help soothe your puppy’s sore gums, reduces pain, and may prevent unwanted chewing.
- Edible Chews. Avoid chews containing additives and opt for chews with natural ingredients. Also, you want to ensure they are not too thick. You want a chewable that will not shatter in your puppy’s mouth, but you do not want your puppy to break their teeth when gnawing on the chew.
Final Thoughts
As teething is a stage for humans, the same goes for puppies.
It does not last forever.
Keep the symptoms that we mentioned in mind to determine where your puppy is in her teething stages.
Furthermore, do not forget to make regular visits to the veterinary clinic to ensure your puppy’s oral health is excellent.
Remember, when German Shepherds stop teething, life gets a little easier.
If you followed our tips and trained your pup, your dog should have all his adult teeth and optimal health.