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Does Dollar Tree Allow Dogs Inside? Is It Dog-Friendly? (2024 Store Pet Policy)

If you need to leave home to buy a few things at your local Dollar Tree store, then you might not want to leave your doggo at home. But can you bring him along with you?

Are dogs allowed in Dollar Tree stores? No, dogs aren’t allowed in Dollar Tree stores unless it’s a service dog.

There’s a very high chance that you won’t be allowed into the store with your dog, unless he is a service dog. Of course, some locations are more lenient than others.

Keep reading to learn more about Dollar Tree’s pet policy.

Is Dollar Tree Dog Friendly?

My granny lives in a small town and always takes her little Chihuahua, Princess, with her on trips to the local Dollar Tree. So, I always assumed that Dollar Tree allowed people to bring in pets.

Many retailers are pet-friendly, meaning that they allow pet owners to bring pets of all sorts onto the premises. Unfortunately, Dollar Tree is not a pet-friendly location.

The company wants to ensure that the Dollar Tree facilities remain safe and enjoyable for all consumers. Therefore, they do not regularly practice allowing animals to enter the building with their owners.

This means not pets are allowed inside, but service animals are okay.

The company takes all things into consideration, such as allergic reactions that other customers might have.

They also consider that small children might fear the animals, and untrained animals may cause health hazards inside the store.

Their overall attitude toward pets in the store in not welcoming.

However, some employees have mentioned working in a store where the manager allows pets inside.

Rich, a previous Dollar Tree store manager in Las Vegas had this to say on Quora:

When I managed a Dollar Tree store I would let people bring in pets as long as the pet behaved. If a dog barked, growled or went to the bathroom in the store, I would ask the customer to leave. Most of the time, pets behaved better than the customers.

What Is Dollar Tree’s Official Policy on Dogs?

Dollar Tree’s official policy on dogs is that they only allow service animals in their stores.

In 2016, Dollar Tree made the news in North Carolina when a store employee refused to let a veteran in with his service dog. After the incident, Dollar Tree clarified their pet policy:

Please know Dollar Tree is committed to allowing customers to bring their service animals to all areas of the store where customers are normally permitted.

Please note that service animals and emotional support animals are not the same thing. You cannot bring your emotional support animal into Dollar Tree.

Does Dollar Tree’s Dog Policy Vary Across Locations?

Technically, the nationwide policy across the USA is that only service animals are allowed in Dollar Tree stores.

However, as noted by former store manager, Rich from Las Vegas, some store managers are lenient if a dog is well-behaved.

So, that makes it seem like each individual store manager can choose to allow dogs in the store.

This tends to be more common in stores that are in small town locations, and not city store locations.

The Final Word

The best advice we can give consumers is to avoid bringing non-service animals to Dollar Tree locations.

Such individuals should bring verification or certification if they do have a service animal, and they would like to bring the service animal into a Dollar Tree location.

Of course, some store managers are more accommodating to pet owners, so your doggo may be allowed at your local Dollar Tree.

We hope you’ve gained a full understanding of Dollar Tree’s rules and practices regarding dogs.

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to the company, or your local Dollar Tree store, for more specific and detailed information.

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2 thoughts on “Does Dollar Tree Allow Dogs Inside? Is It Dog-Friendly? (2024 Store Pet Policy)”

  1. I was just released from ER with my service dog in lyft service are stopped and got my medication and next door was the Dollar tree store so I think I took the opportunity to go over there and grab a few things before going home and I have been in the store for a while and it was a lot in my ass to cash your question condition of that I had my dog she didn’t ask me any question to just assumed things and she was talking to me because the area we’re living in it was not homeless and I said with people I know so I found no deposit so I went and I looked on the door playing posters and said no service dogs now I can understand that and I stopped all the time and I said I had my dog with me that’s the ER and I had called a lyft home and I wasn’t trying to leave my dog and the car was you know transport service center but yeah she was very very rude I think the starship has some training to ask she looked at the doctor dog was very well you know man you know and everything and I have this bag which is because some people allergic and I haven’t done this bag which is there and I put them in the basket that way no dog hair could cause problems for customer

  2. Your article is misleading in terms of needing to show verification or certification of a service dog. There is no registry for service dogs. According to the ADA, there’s no certifications, and you are legally allowed to ask a handler two questions: “is that a service dog?” and “what tasks are they trained to perform?” Nothing else about the service dog needs to be acquired, or asked of.


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