Dogs eat grass at some point in their lives.
Some like the grass for the taste, but what if your dog adopts this habit from nowhere?
There are many reasons why your dog might be frantically eating grass.
As a dog owner, it’s okay to be concerned when your dog starts gulping down grass; if you find your dog pulling you right and left during your walks in the hope of eating grass, it’s possible that it’s frantic and urgent, and a clear cause for concern.
Why Is My Dog Eating Grass Frantically?
Dogs eat grass frantically when there is an immediate and dire need that needs to be met.
In some cases, they leisurely enjoy the taste of the green grass, and in other cases, there is desperate grass-eating which should be a cause for concern.
If you are a dog owner whose dog has started eating grass frantically, you might be wondering what the issue could be.
Once in the yard, if your dog runs to grab a mouthful of grass-like there is no tomorrow, any of the following could be the reason.
Upset Stomach
Stomach upset in dogs is caused by ingestion of foods that don’t agree well with the pup’s stomach and acid reflux issues.
One of the signs of an upset tummy in dogs is wolfing down grass in big amounts and rapidly.
Unfortunately, dogs can’t let their owners know when they have a wonky tummy, so chewing grass is a way to solve the issue.
Grass eating, in some cases, helps purge the dog’s upper intestines, but keep an eye on your dog, so he doesn’t eat rough and hard grass.
Grass doesn’t easily digest; even the softest of it will probably make your dog sick, so if your dog is gobbling up grass frequently, consult a veterinarian for a check-up.
In some cases, dogs eat grass frantically when they have empty stomachs and need extra food.
A vet can help with prescriptions and antacid medication to soothe your dog’s stomach, which helps stop the vast consumption of grass.
Imbalanced Diets
Like all humans, dogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy; that’s why some eat grass frantically when they aren’t getting enough nutrients.
All pups need a fully balanced diet to stay healthy and happy, and when the key nutrients are missing in their diet, they look for them elsewhere, even if it means foraging for grass.
In such cases, talk to your vet about changing the dog’s diet and add foods that have a high fiber content to ensure your pup gets all the required nutrients.
Fiber Deficiency
Eating grass supplements fiber, and even though it might be worrying to most dog owners, it helps with fiber deficiency.
Dogs require fiber in their diets, and when they lack it, they adopt grass-eating habits.
If your dog is passing out dry stool, he’s probably suffering from fiber deficiency, so the grass eating isn’t unusual.
Lack of fiber manifests in loose stools and also if your dog is having difficulties eliminating stool.
For Gastrointestinal Relief
Usually, dogs eat grass when they have some form of gastrointestinal upset, so don’t be shocked when you notice your dog whimpering at the door wanting to go out.
If the first thing your dog does is bolt out and devour the nearest grass patch, that’s a red flag.
There isn’t much information on why dogs eat grass for gastrointestinal relief.
Still, some people believe it’s because the grass isn’t easily digestible, which means that it stays a while in their stomachs before it’s processed fully.
Other people believe that they eat grass frantically to trigger their gag reflexes and cause vomiting.
Old habits die hard, and the case is the same for dogs who will eat grass as an instinctive behavior despite the many years of domestication.
The early ancestors of dogs lived in the wild, where they ate whatever was available.
This included grass and other edible parts in their prey’s stomachs, translating to grass-eating behavior.
In rare cases, some dogs still think it’s famine or feast, so even if fed regularly, they won’t miss a chance to gobble up everything in sight when they have a chance.
When Feeling Sick
Just like you reach out to the medicine cabinet and gobble down your antacid when feeling unwell, dogs frantically eat grass for the same reason.
These canines are naturally prone to eating grass because it isn’t easily digestible, and once swallowed; the mouthful causes a tickle effect which triggers their gag reflexes to facilitate vomiting.
Grass eating in dogs that are feeling sick isn’t the same as leisurely nibbling grass as observed in healthy dogs.
Preference and Intuition
Dogs eat grass frantically when they come across a type of grass they like, and those who especially enjoy the taste of grass develop a certain preference for specific grass types.
Some dogs, for instance, enjoy sweet grass and aren’t interested in the normal grass in the backyard, so don’t be surprised when they stop and scarf down sweet grass during your walk.
It’s common for dog owners to worry about dog foods and treats that meet all the nutrition and health requirements.
This, however, doesn’t mean that your dog has to agree with every food choice and selection you make as a result of their canine intuition.
Dogs can tell when they have nutrition deficiencies, so grass eating can be an attempt to supplement something they need in their bodies than normal dog food doesn’t give them.
Out of Boredom
In some cases, dogs eat grass simply because they are bored.
When they aren’t properly stimulated, dogs rip up and eat grass out of boredom or anxiety.
The change of behavior and feeding habits could result from a change in the dog’s routine, so check on that if your dog starts eating grass frantically.
If there is a change in the walking schedule that leaves them alone for long, check on that.
Some Dogs Enjoy It
In some cases, dogs eat grass simply because they like and enjoy it.
In such cases, the dog doesn’t rush out when the door is opened to chow down on the grass; they do it leisurely.
Some dogs are even selective about the type of grass they eat, with some preferring the young spring shoots that are tender and moist.
Grass contains phytonutrients and chlorophyll, which dogs go fir especially when they aren’t getting enough fresh veggies in their diet.
Dogs should, however, not be allowed to eat grass that’s treated with herbicides, chemicals, or pesticides.
Should I Be Worried When My Dog Starts Eating Grass Frantically?
Any dog owner needs to know the difference between frantic and selective eating to determine whether or not to worry.
If your dog eats grass from time to time, they will spend a substantial amount of time looking for that specific type of grass to satisfy their urges.
However, dogs that eat grass frantically have no selection process, and they will run to the first grass patch they see.
If the latter is the case, you should be concerned and seek veterinary help when your dog is experiencing stomach upsets and discomforts.
Stomach problems are common in dogs, and not all require vet care, so if the problem isn’t persistent, just let your dog do his thing.
Dogs know what they are eating, so the grass eating may be an effort to get some relief, and in some cases, they do it to vomit and get rid of whatever is causing pain.
Grass is moderately healthy for dog consumption and overall health as it’s filled with potassium nutrients essential for overall health.
If your dog isn’t feeling healthy enough, grass-eating could be an attempt to correct that.
The grass is a source of fiber that helps ease stomach upsets, so it is not uncommon for dogs to eat grass once in a while.