North Carolina Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinics

For our pet owners in North Carolina visiting NCRAOA, please find a list of spay and neuter clinics for the state below.


Humane Society of Ashe County
Jefferson, NC Phone: 828.733.6312 Toll free: 866.473.6312
discounted spay and neuter clinics; low-cost shot clinics

Avery County Humane Society
Newland NC Phone: (336) 982-4297

Cabarrus Spay Neuter Clinic
413 Church St N, Concord, NC 28025
Phone: 704-784-6304

Cape Fear Spay Neuter Clinic
Castle Hayne, NC 28429 910-602-1101

Carolina Crossing Veterinary Clinic
Benson NC Phone (919) 906-7729

Humane Society Of Catawba County
offers a low cost Spay/Neuter services through SNIP Regional Spay/Neuter Clinic located at 3224 20th Ave. SE, Hickory. Call 828-464-2FIX for appointment information.

Humane Society of Charlotte
offers adoptions and Low Cost Spay/Neuter.
2700 Toomey Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28203 (704) 377-0534 – phone (704) 332-8010 – fax

Crossroads Animal Hospital
offers a low cost Spay/Neuter services
Dr. Patreece Lanier, DVM, Owner; 3604 Dallas High Shoals Hwy, Dallas, NC 28034, 704-922-78607

Gaston Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic
972 E. Franklin Boulevard Gastonia NC 704.868.4673

Humane Society of Lincoln County
2422 Country Club Rd Lincolnton N.C. (704) 732-9022

The Humane Society of Iredell
has a Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Program that is available for all residents.

Mercy Animal Hospital
Indian Trail, NC 704-821-8100
often runs 50% discounts on spay/neuter. Call to verify.

Humane Society of the Piedmont Spay and Neuter Clinic
4527 West Wendover Avenue
336-299-3060 fax:336-299-6072

Dare County Animal Shelter and Outer Banks SPCA
offer a low cost spay/neuter program for county residents

Humane Society of Rowan County
Spay Neuter Shuttle

Rowan County Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic & Adoption Center
3002 S Main Street, Salisbury NC 28147

For more information call 704-216-0300.

Triad Spay/Neuter Clinic
3163 Hines Chapel Rd, Greensboro, NC 27405

Spay Neuter Assistance when funding is available. Call for more information
Near I-85 and Guess Road. Phone 1-888-622-7729


Spay Neuter Clinic of the Carolinas
Dr. Michelle Hays 704-542-9997
Low cost spay neuter clinic in Southeast Charlotte for dogs, cats, and rabbits

Spay Neuter Charlotte
2017 N. Davidson St. Suite A, Charlotte, NC 704.375.2009

SNIP Regional Spay/Neuter Clinic
1520 Salisbury Hwy, Statesville, NC 28677
Phone 704-799-7647 (SNIP)

Monroe Low Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic
4015 Waxhaw Highway (Hwy 75) Monroe, NC 28112

Spay and Neuter Clinic of Alamance County
1919 S. Church Street, Burlington, NC (336) 570-6767

Surry Spay/Neuter Clinic
111 Paw Print Trail, Ararat NC 27007

Rockingham County Humane Society 336-623-4428
Monthly Low Cost Spay / Neuter Clinic

Shelter Friend of SE North Carolina
Elizabethtown, NC 28337 910-645-2297

Transylvania County
Noah’s Ark 828-884-6600
Humane Society 828-884-6577
Animal Lighthouse 828-884-9504

Animal Protection Society of Orange County
6311-A Nicks Road, Mebane, NC 27302

Alley Cat Allies
Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Organizations by State

Haywood Animal Welfare Association
Waynesville NC 28786 828-452-1329 or 452-3751

Friends of Felines PO Box 475 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 910-452-6721 Email For feral cats, spay/neuter clinics are held on Sundays. Call for details and appointments. Friends of Felines is run entirely by volunteers.

Coastal Cat Clinic Jacksonville, NC 910-938-4515

Friends of Feral Felines PO Box 473385 Charlotte NC 28247 704-348-1578 FFF coordinates low cost s-n events for feral cats and also can tell you about local veterinarians who offer low cost s-n for feral cats at other times. Call for information about low cost s-n in your area, feral cat caretaking, or if you need to borrow carriers or humane traps, or if you are a land owner or farmer willing to host displaced feral cats, or if you’d like to volunteer to help.

Feral Cat Assistance Program (FCAP) is a Trap, Neuter, Release program. The mission of FCAP is to help people who are caring for feral cats by feeding and providing shelter for these abandoned animals. However, they are not in a position to have the cats spayed or neutered. FCAP also has an adoption program for kittens and adult cats that have been socialized and are now able to be placed in forever loving homes. 336.378.0878 website