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Can Dogs Eat Pancakes? Are They Bad For Them?

Are you sitting down for breakfast and planning on devouring a short stack?

You might be thinking about tearing off some of that pancake and sharing it with your dog.

Is safe to feed your dog pancakes? Yes, your dog can have some of your pancakes – even buttermilk pancakes are okay for dogs.

Of course, this is assuming that we’re talking about basic homemade pancakes without any crazy ingredients.

So, let’s dig into this topic a bit more to determine what types of pancakes you can safely give your dog, and maybe some toppings that you cannot share with your pup.

Remember, the simple answer is yes your doggo can eat pancakes, but there are quite a few things you should take into consideration.

Are Pancakes Good For Dogs?

If you’re making pancakes from scratch at home, then the ingredients are pretty basic. Usually pancakes are made from:

  • white flour
  • sugar
  • eggs
  • milk or buttermilk

As you can see, those ingredients aren’t harmful for dogs, but they’re not exactly healthy either.

So, while you can feed you dog plain pancakes, they are not good for dogs. And you shouldn’t feed your dog pancakes regularly.

But they are a nice occasional treat for the doggo.

Are Pancakes Safe For Dogs? Will It Kill Your Dog?

You can rest easy when feeding your dog pancakes because plain pancakes are safe for dogs.

And no, plain pancakes won’t kill dogs.

However, you do have to be careful not to give your dog pancakes with toppings or ingredients that are toxic to dogs.

For example, don’t give your dog chocolate chip pancakes.

Instead, top the pancakes with fresh bananas or blueberries when you give it to your dog. This makes it a slightly healthier snack for the canine.

dog eating pancakes

Pancake Ingredients & Toppings To Avoid For Dogs

When you’re making pancakes at home, it’s easy to avoid ingredients and toppings that are bad for dogs.

But if you’re getting pancakes our or buy pre-made pancakes, then you don’t have control of the ingredients that may be harmful for dogs.

Here’s a list of things to avoid giving your dog with pancakes:

  • chocolate
  • nuts
  • raisins
  • Xylitol

Definitely make sure you’re not giving your pooch pancakes with those ingredients or toppings.

There are also other ingredients that you should give to your dog sparingly.

These items are not toxic to dogs, but they aren’t good for them in large amounts.

  • butter
  • honey
  • maple syrup
  • whipped cream (if the dog is lactose intolerant)
  • caramel sauce
  • jam or preserves

How Much Pancakes Can You Feed Dogs?

Like most human food, it’s best to only give your dog pancakes in moderation. And make sure they are plain pancakes without toxic ingredients.

Think of pancakes as an occasional treat that you share with your dog.

When feeding your dog pancakes, it is vital that you do not feed your pet artificial syrups or diet syrups as a topping. These syrups contain a harmful ingredient called Xylitol that can ultimately be toxic to your dog.

This ingredient can cause your dog to develop liver failure. Aside from this, Xylitol induces hypoglycemia just minutes after it has been ingested.

Even in small doses, Xylitol poses a danger to your dog’s health. The preservatives, dyes, and other ingredients contained in sugar free syrups have the potential of causing your dog to have an allergic reaction.

Can Dogs Eat Pancake Mix?

If you don’t make your pancakes from scratch, but instead from a mix, then you might be wondering if it’s still okay for your dog to eat it.

Most of the time, the answer is still “yes” but you should read the ingredients of the mix to make sure it doesn’t have anything that’s bad for dogs.

Can dogs eat Bisquick pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat Bisquick pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything to the mix that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain Bisquick pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat Aunt Jemima pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat Aunt Jemima pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything to the mix that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain Aunt Jemima pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat Krusteaz pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat Krusteaz pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything to the mix that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain Krusteaz pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat McDonald’s pancakes (flapjacks)?

Yes, dogs can eat McDonald’s pancakes. Just be sure to avoid the McDonald’s pancake syrup.

The key here is to not add anything to the pancakes that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain McDonald’s pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat blueberry or banana pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat blueberry pancakes and banana pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain pancakes with blueberries or bananas when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat lemon pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat lemon pancakes, but you shouldn’t let them eat it.


Because lemon has oils that can upset a dog’s stomach.

Can dogs eat cinnamon pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat cinnamon pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain pancakes with cinnamon when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat honey pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat honey pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain pancakes with a small amount of honey when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat vanilla pancakes?

No, dogs cannot eat vanilla pancakes, so you shouldn’t let them eat it.


Because vanilla, even vanilla extract, is made from alcohol and a dog’s stomach cannot process that.

Can dogs eat orange pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat orange pancakes.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain pancakes with a small amount of oranges when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat coconut flour pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from coconut flour.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain coconut flour pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat almond flour pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from almond flour.

However, some dogs may be allergic to the nut, so you should test with a small bite before giving the dog an entire almond flour pancake.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain almond flour pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat buckwheat flour pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from buckwheat flour.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain buckwheat flour pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat multigrain pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from multigrain flour.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain multigrain flour pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat oatmeal pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from oatmeal.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain oatmeal pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat wheat flour pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made from wheat flour.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain wheat flour pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Can dogs eat gluten-free pancakes?

Yes, dogs can eat pancakes made gluten-free as long as they don’t contain harmful ingredients.

The key here is to not add anything else extra that would bad for dogs.

Focus on plain gluten-free pancakes when you’re sharing your breakfast with your dog.

Final Word

Sharing food with our dogs is something that we usually can’t resist. Although feeding them human food may not always be the best thing for them, it is important to know what you can and can’t safely share with your canine friend.

If you are going to feed your dog pancakes, you should give it to them plain or with a safe topping. Natural maple syrup is good for your pet and provides a wide range of health benefits.

It provides several essential nutrients that your dog needs. Aside from this, it also has less calories than the majority of other sweeteners, such as honey.

The most important thing to remember when feeding your dog pancakes is to check the ingredients to ensure that it doesn’t contain harmful stuff.

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