Older people’s priorities may differ from those of younger ones when it comes to selecting a companion animal.
The elderly can have trouble getting around and need a low-energy dog, or they might be too busy to take care of a hyperactive pet.
Beagles are well-liked dogs due to their warm disposition and playful personalities, but are they appropriate companions for the elderly?
The coat on a Beagle, a medium-sized breed, is short and easy to care for.
As a result of their friendliness and devotion, they make excellent companions for the elderly.
Additionally, they are patient and kind with both kids and other animals in the house.
However, their moderate to high energy level and exercise needs may be a problem for elderly people who cannot take them out for daily walks and plays in the backyard.
Beagles are known to be noisy, which could be an issue for elderly people who live in close quarters with their neighbors.
This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a Beagle as a senior citizen’s companion, including the dog’s grooming requirements, activity requirements, and potential health concerns.
Beagles’ vocalization and barking behaviors, which can be a problem for elderly people who live in close quarters, will also be discussed.
Seniors will have a better understanding of whether or not a Beagle is suitable as a companion animal for them by the end of this post.
Pros Of Beagles For Seniors

Beagles are a popular dog breed among seniors for their calm demeanor and low grooming needs.
Because of this, Beagles make excellent companions for adults of all ages and experience levels.
They are happy dogs that enjoy human company and generally don’t require much attention.
This makes them a great choice for seniors who are willing to commit to a daily walk and one weekly session of fetch.
Their size also makes them easy to care for, making them a great option for those without experience with dogs.
Overall, Beagles make excellent companions for any age or experience level and can be a positive addition to any family.
Here’s a quick summary of why beagles are great dogs for senior citizens:
- Beagles are medium-sized and have short, easy-to-maintain coats which require minimal grooming.
- They are known to be friendly, affectionate, and playful, making them great companions for seniors.
- They are good with children and other pets.
Cons Of Beagles For Seniors
Beagles are a beloved breed for many people, but they aren’t always the best choice as a senior dog.
Due to their high energy levels and stubborn nature, owners need to be prepared to spend time training them without relying on treats.
They also suffer from health problems, including obesity and hip dysplasia, which can be costly to remedy.
Additionally, beagles require a balance of exercise and treats, which can be difficult for seniors who don’t have the time or energy for this.
Owners must be committed to daily walks and sessions of fetching and training, as previous experience with dogs is helpful in developing a positive relationship with this breed.
However, with the right care and patience, beagles make excellent companions for older adults who are interested in an active dog with a loving temperament.
Here’s a quick summary of why a beagle might not be a good pet for a senior:
- Beagles have moderate-high energy level and require a moderate to high amount of exercise which could be a concern for seniors who are not able to take them for daily walks and playtime in the backyard.
- They can be prone to certain health issues such as hip dysplasia, ear infections and obesity.
- The like to dig, so if you have a yard you’ll need to be able to fill the holes they dig.
- It’s important for seniors to carefully consider their own physical limitations before committing to a Beagle.
What To Consider Before Getting A Beagle
If you’re a senior citizen and considering adding a Beagle to your aging family, there are a few things to consider first.

Beagle Size and Maintenance
Beagles are a medium-sized breed that typically weigh between 20-30 pounds for a full grown adult dog.
As you might expect, this small size makes them a good option for seniors who may have limited mobility or strength since Beagles are not too small to handle, but also not too large to become a burden.
Their small size also makes them a great option for seniors who live in smaller homes or apartments.
For those concerned about maintenance, Beagles have a short, easy-to-maintain coat which requires minimal grooming.
Seniors who may not have the energy or physical ability to care for a dog with a long coat that requires frequent grooming find the short coat to be a big advantage to owning a Beagle pup.
The short, dense coat of a Beagle is also low-shedding, which makes them a good choice for seniors who may have allergies or sensitivities to pet hair.
Overall, the size and maintenance needs of Beagles make them a great option for seniors who are looking for a companion animal that is easy to handle and care for.
They provide the perfect balance between being small enough to handle, but also large enough to provide companionship and love.
Beagle Affection and Companionship
Beagles have earned the reputation of friendly and affectionate dogs, making them great companions for seniors.
Their cheerful and playful personality can bring joy and companionship to their owners, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation that can often accompany aging.
Beagles are affectionate dogs who love to be with their people, and they enjoy cuddling up on laps and receiving plenty of belly rubs and pets.
They are also known to be good with children and other pets, which could be a plus for seniors who have grandchildren or other pets living in the household.
Their friendly and sociable nature makes them good at forming bonds with others.
As you might expect, this makes them great family dogs, as they are able to get along well with other pets and family members, providing a sense of companionship and community.
Beagles also have a curious and playful nature.
They enjoy exploring their environment, and they love to play and run around.
This can provide a sense of purpose and activity for seniors, helping to keep them active and engaged.
Whether playing fetch in the backyard or taking a leisurely walk around the neighborhood, Beagles can provide seniors with the companionship and exercise they need to stay healthy and happy.
Overall, the affectionate and playful nature of Beagles make them great companions for seniors.
They provide a sense of purpose and companionship, helping to reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Their friendly and sociable nature also makes them great family dogs, providing a sense of community and companionship for seniors and their loved ones.

Beagle Exercise Needs
Seniors should be aware that Beagles of all ages then to have a moderate-high energy level and end up needing a moderate to high amount of exercise to maintain good physical and mental health.
This breed’s strong hunting instinct and curious nature means they need to release their energy by exploring their environment and playing.
For seniors who are not able to provide their Beagle with daily walks and playtime, this level of energy can be a concern.
But there are still ways to ensure their exercise needs are met by maybe hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to provide daily exercise for the Beagle.
Alternatively, taking the Beagle to a dog park or finding a friend or neighbor who can provide exercise and playtime can also be a solution.
Keep in mind that taking walks with their Beagle can provide older people with a sense of purpose and a source of light exercise, helping to improve their physical and mental health.
It’s important to keep in mind that while Beagles do require a moderate to high level of exercise, they can adapt to different living situations and exercise levels.
With proper training and proper exercise, a senior can successfully meet their Beagle’s exercise needs, providing them with a happy and healthy life.
So, while Beagles do have moderate-high energy levels and require a moderate to high amount of exercise, their exercise needs can be met with proper planning and accommodations.
This results in both the senior and their Beagle with the physical and mental stimulation they need to lead happy and healthy lives.
Beagles Are Diggers
One common issue with Beagle puppies is that they often dig holes when left alone in the backyard.
This can be frustrating for seniors who live in an apartment or condo and want their dogs to be housebroken.
To help stop the digging, beagles can be trained to perform some tricks or use a positive reinforcement training method such as clicker training or ultrasonic dog trainers.
Additionally, beagles enjoy playing in the dirt and this may lead them to dig holes if they are left alone.
When beagles have been digging before being told, it may be necessary to bathe them to get rid of the dirt from their coats.
Overall, beagles are great dogs who happen to be diggers, which means they require patience from their owners if they are going to be a good fit for senior citizens.
Beagle Potential Health Concerns
Some of the most common health concerns in Beagles include hip dysplasia, ear infections, and obesity.
Hip dysplasia is a genetic condition that causes the hip joint to develop abnormally, leading to arthritis and joint pain.
This can be a concern for seniors, as it can limit mobility and cause discomfort in the dog.
Beagles are also prone to ear infections due to their floppy ears and high levels of activity.
This can cause pain, discomfort, and a persistent foul odor.
Obesity is another concern in Beagles, as they have a tendency to overeat and a love of food.
This can lead to weight-related health issues such as joint problems, heart disease, and respiratory issues.
It’s important for seniors to consult with a veterinarian before adopting a Beagle to ensure the dog is the right choice for their lifestyle and to be aware of the potential health concerns that may come with owning a Beagle.
Regular check-ups, a balanced diet, and adequate exercise can help prevent or minimize the effects of these health issues.
Keep in mind that these health conditions can often be prevented or managed in your Beagle with proper care and attention.
By consulting with a veterinarian and making a commitment to provide their Beagle with a healthy diet and exercise routine, seniors can ensure their Beagle leads a long, happy, and healthy life.

Beagle Vocalization and Barking
Thanks to their their hunting instincts from when they were originally bred for hunting small game, Beagles are known to be vocal dogs and may bark a lot.
For seniors living in close proximity to neighbors, this can be problematic since excessive barking can lead to complaints and potential legal issues.
It’s important for seniors to be aware of this trait and to train their Beagle to reduce excessive barking.
This can be done through positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewarding the dog for being quiet, rather than punishing them for barking.
It is also important to provide mental and physical stimulation through exercise, training and interactive toys to help keep them occupied.
Additionally, it’s important for seniors to consider their own hearing sensitivity before committing to a Beagle, as the barking may be too loud for some seniors to tolerate.
If excessive barking is a concern, it may be best to consider a less vocal breed.
Training A Beagle To Live With A Senior
Obedience training, setting rules, and applying them consistently are essential for training a Beagle to live with a senior citizen.
Beagles have a strong sense of independence, so it is important to establish clear obedience boundaries from the outset.
This can be done by setting reasonable rules and regulations, such as limits on the time spent indoors or the yard, as well as enforcing those rules consistently.
Another aspect of obedience training that is important for beagles living with senior citizens is food motivation.
It is vital to provide them with treats and snacks as often as possible to keep them engaged and happy.
Additionally, beagles need at least one hour of exercise per day and should be taken on long walks or other high-intensity exercise sessions (such as fetch) once per week.
Obedience training and early socialization
Beagles are a loyal breed and make excellent pets for older adults.
They are friendly, playful and affectionate dogs that can be good companions for older people living alone or with other seniors.
These dogs require a lot of exercise and must be taken on a daily walk.
However, the best way to ensure a Beagle’s health and happiness is to provide both obedience training and early socialization.
In addition to obedience training and socialization, it is important to set rules for your dog such as not barking, not jumping, and only taking small bits at a time when feeding or grooming.
A balanced treat-based diet along with exercise will help keep your dog in good shape over the long run.
It is also essential to ensure that your senior dog has all of its needed vaccines regularly.
Beagles make great watchdogs, barking when they sense a potential intruder.
However, their barking can be a nuisance if not properly trained.
Senior citizens living in apartments or assisted facilities should be aware of these barking issues.
If a beagle barks too much, it can lead to problems with angry neighbors.
It is important to train your dog to only bark when necessary to keep the peace in your community.
This will help ensure that your dog’s bark doesn’t become a nuisance and may even help reduce noise levels in the neighborhood.
Besides being good companions, beagles are also housebroken and trained to live in a household.
This makes them an ideal pet for senior citizens who may have difficulty walking or taking care of a dog at home.
In addition to training beagles to live with a senior citizen, it is also important to create a consistent routine for potty breaks, meals, walks, and playtime.
This will help ensure your beagle stays healthy and happy in your family.
Additionally, creating a safe environment with adequate exercise and mental stimulation will help ensure your beagle remains happy and healthy over the long term.
Separation anxiety
Beagles are a breed of dog known for their energy and intelligence.
They can be very sociable dogs, but they can also be anxious when left alone.
When beagles are left alone, they sometimes show signs of anxiety, such as whining and growling or digging in the yard.
This anxiety is called separation anxiety.
To reduce a beagle’s stress while being left at home, it is best to crate train them so they can stay in their own space.
Crate training can be an effective tool to help mitigate a beagle’s separation anxiety.
However, it is important to remember that separation anxiety in beagles can be caused by a lack of proper socialization or a traumatic event in their past.
So if possible, it is best to give your dog enough socialization and exercise to help them overcome this common issue.
Recall training
Training a beagle to live with a senior is important to ensure the safety of both the dog and the elderly person.
The best way to train your beagle is through positive reinforcement training.
This means you use only positive methods to train your dog; you never use negative punishment or force.
Instead, you use treats, praise, and rewards to motivate your dog.
A beagle can be trained using various methods, such as classical training methods or using dog training apps.
Plus, socialization training is an essential step in any pet’s life to make it behave socially around other people and animals.
Regular exercise is also vital for any pet, but especially for beagles who love to run and play.
Walking on leash
Leashes are essential for training beagles, and it is important to start leash training at an early age.
Retractable leashes should not be used for training beagles as they don’t help the dog understand boundaries and leadership.
Instead, fixed-length leashes should be used that can be easily adjusted depending on the situation.
Retrieving a beagle with a leash requires practice, patience, and a lot of treats.
Regular exercise and a balanced diet is also important for successful training.
Senior citizens must train their dogs to listen to them and follow consistent rules in order to ensure a safe and happy relationship between them.
Dogs need a balance of exercise and food to succeed in training; praise and food motivation are essential for developing good behavior in beagles.
Overall, beagles make excellent senior citizen companions due TO their intelligence, sociability, and friendly temperament.
Final Word
Beagles can be a great breed for seniors who are looking for a friendly, affectionate and playful companion.
They are low maintenance and easy to handle, but their high exercise needs and potential health issues may not be suitable for seniors with mobility issues.
It’s important for seniors to carefully consider their own physical limitations before committing to a Beagle and also to consult with a veterinarian to ensure the dog is the right choice.
At the end of the day, the best decision on whether or not to adopt a Beagle pup will depend on the individual senior’s lifestyle and needs.