Squirrels are often seen as cute and fuzzy creatures that scurry around in search of nuts and seeds.
You might wonder if these adorable little animals are strictly plant eaters or if they have a more varied diet.
As it turns out, squirrels are actually omnivores, meaning they consume both plant and animal material. But they also sometimes eat a variety of insects, eggs, and small animals.
Their diet can be highly variable, depending on the season and the environment in which they live.

It’s true that squirrels are known for their love of nuts, seeds, and fruit, but that’s not all they eat.
Insects, bird eggs, and even carrion are also part of their diverse menu.
This may come as a surprise to those who’ve always thought of squirrels as purely herbivorous animals.
However, their omnivorous habits help them adapt to different food sources and survive in various habitats across the globe.
What Squirrels Eat In The Wild

As an omnivore, squirrels have a diverse diet that consists of both plant and animal material.
You’ll find these furry creatures foraging for nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects, while also occasionally consuming eggs from bird nests, or even carrion.
The majority of a squirrel’s diet (70-80%) is composed of plant-based foods such as nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
These sources provide essential nutrients, carbohydrates, and fats necessary to maintain the squirrel’s energy levels.
The remaining 20-30% of their diet consists of animal matter, like insects, baby birds, eggs, and small mammals. This helps them meet their nutritional requirements and maintain a balanced diet.
Squirrels adapt their foraging habits depending on the season and local environment.
In some habitats, they might rely more on plant material, while in others, they might consume more insects and animal matter.
The availability of food sources can vary greatly, so they take advantage of whatever resources are readily accessible to meet their dietary needs.
Squirrel Consumption of Plant Matter

When you observe squirrels in their natural habitat, you’ll notice that a significant portion of their diet consists of plant matter.
From nuts and seeds to fruits and vegetation, these energetic creatures have an incredibly varied diet.
Squirrels are particularly fond of acorns, the seeds of oak trees, but their consumption doesn’t stop there.
You might spot them feasting on sunflower seeds, corn, and even the bark of trees.
The variety of nuts and seeds they consume helps to provide a balanced diet, making them adaptive to different environments.
In addition to nuts, seeds, and bark, squirrels also enjoy a variety of fruits.
You may find them nibbling on apples, berries, and cherries, among other fruit varieties.
It’s important to note that their diet also includes fungi, like mushrooms, which can be found in wooded areas where squirrels often reside.
Just as diverse as their diet is their taste for different parts of plants as well.
Leaves, flowers, roots, and even fresh vegetables can be appealing to a foraging squirrel.
They can be spotted nibbling on tree leaves and garden vegetables like peas and beans, further supporting their largely plant-based diet.
Squirrels Feeding on Animal Sources

You might be surprised to learn that squirrels, despite their cute appearance and love for nuts, do indeed consume animal sources.
As omnivores, their diet isn’t limited to plant matter, and they occasionally feast on a variety of insects, eggs, and small animals.
Insects, for example, make up a notable portion of a squirrel’s diet.
They’ll munch on small insects like mealworms and can even tackle larger invertebrates such as beetles.
When the opportunity arises, squirrels don’t shy away from hunting down other small vertebrates like lizards, frogs, and even smaller rodents such as mice.
However, an even more surprising aspect of a squirrel’s diet is their consumption of bird eggs.
Squirrels have been known to raid birds’ nests, feasting on the protein-rich eggs inside.
This opportunistic behavior might seem cruel, but it’s an essential strategy for squirrels to sustain themselves in various conditions.
On the other side of the food chain, squirrels aren’t just hunters but also prey to some predators.
Their agility, quickness, and keen senses help them to avoid becoming a meal themselves.
Still, predators like snakes, hawks, and even larger mammals can prove to be a threat to these small creatures.
How Squirrels Adapted To Eat What They Eat

There’s a few features that enable squirrels to adapt to their omnivorous diet. One key physical adaptation is their teeth.
Squirrels have sharp, curved incisors that continually grow, allowing them to gnaw on various food sources, such as nuts, seeds, and even insects.
Their teeth are strong enough to break down tough materials like cellulose found in plant matter.
Another essential adaptation of squirrels is their ability to scurry quickly.
This enables them to both search for food efficiently and escape predators, especially when searching for meat sources such as bird eggs, nestlings, or small reptiles.
Squirrels have bushy tails which play a vital role in their balance while they traverse trees in search of food.
This aids them in their agility when foraging and helps them to maintain their omnivorous lifestyle.
Different squirrel species exhibit varied behavior patterns. Some squirrels are nocturnal, which means they are active during the night.
Nocturnal squirrels take advantage of the dark to better catch insects and other small prey without attracting predators’ attention.
On the other hand, diurnal squirrels, which are active during the day, rely more on nuts, seeds, and fruits for their sustenance.
Prairie dogs, a type of ground squirrel, have a diet that consists mainly of grasses and forbs, although they may also consume insects.
Their diet and lifestyle focus more on these plant-based sources, demonstrating a difference in diet adaptation among squirrel species.
By having a diet that includes both plant and animal matter, squirrels are incredibly versatile creatures, capable of thriving in many different ecosystems.
From urban parks to dense forests, you’ll find squirrels making the most of their environment and its available resources.
So, next time you see a squirrel snacking on an acorn, know that they have more than just plant-based items on their preferred menu.